Disturbing images reveal how Russia brainwashes Ukrainian children near the Finnish border | News

Disturbing images reveal how Russia brainwashes Ukrainian children near the
That’s how it was done

gathered information about the Russification camp organized in Terijoki from the camp’s Telegram channel. joined the channel under a pseudonym and followed how the camp organizers told about the camp’s events during October and November.

The security camera images and videos published in this story can be freely found through the website presenting the camp center. recorded a video of the center the entire time the Ukrainian children were at the camp.

The camp’s VKontakte account was also used for data acquisition.

publishes material from Russian social media platforms and websites because Russia’s Russification of Ukrainian children is a significant social grievance. Otherwise, information about the events of the camps is not widely available.

The various buildings of the camp center have been identified using image and video analysis.

found the boy seen in the propaganda video in the food line in Mariupol with the help of an image recognition program available on the internet. In addition to his facial features, the boy was identified based on his moles, the swirl of his hair and the shape of his ear.
