Don’t know how many points are left on your driving license? No need to go to the prefecture: this brand new online service will give you your balance immediately. And for free!

Dont know how many points are left on your driving

Don’t know how many points are left on your driving license? No need to go to the prefecture: this brand new online service will give you your balance immediately. And for free!

Like many motorists, you may have committed a traffic violation that resulted in a fine. And some precious license points. Because since the introduction of the famous “points license” in 1992, many deviations from the rules of the Code are punishable by a drain on your “credit” – from one to six points depending on the seriousness of the offense, and even up to to eight in the event of multiple offenses at the same time. And, in the worst case, you can lose your initial twelve points and thus see your license withdrawn, with obviously the ban on driving and the obligation to follow a road safety awareness course for regain some points…

The problem is that unless you keep rigorous accounts by delving into the fine notices, it is not easy to know exactly the number of points remaining at a given time on a license when you have been sanctioned. Especially since the lost points are gradually recredited after a while. In fact, the balance is not indicated on the license itself, which is “old” – the pink card – or “modern” – in credit card format.

For years, the only solution was to go to the prefecture. And it was only in 2007 that the Télépoints online service was set up. But even though it was improved over the years, this clunky and often criticized website eventually became obsolete. This is why the Government recently decided to replace it with a new service that is more modern, more complete and simpler.

So, since November 23, 2023, you can very easily consult your points balance on the official website My Allowed Points, accessible for free with a simple web browser, on computer or mobile. The procedure to follow is very simple: you just need to have your driving license.

Once on the site, you must first identify yourself, either with your France Connect account, or by creating a dedicated account on the Driving license site, with your email address and a password. Then select the format of your driving license: European format (credit card) or 3-fold format (cardboard). Once this choice has been made, you must select the format of the file number recorded on your license. The choices vary depending on the type of your license: number on lines with or without spaces, 12-digit number on a line, etc. Once the correct box is checked, enter this number, check the box I accept these General Conditions of Use and validate by clicking on the blue Create my account button, at the very bottom of the page. Your bridge balance is then displayed clearly on a new page, with the date of the last change on your license. That’s all ! The operation takes less than two minutes.

Be careful, however: the site specifies two important details. First, the balance indicated corresponds to the number of points assigned to your driving license at the time of your connection: at this date, other possible offenses may not have been taken into account and recorded in the national driving license system. to drive. Then, this balance does not prejudge the right to drive, which may possibly be suspended or restricted by an administrative or judicial measure to which you may be subject. So be wary if you have recently committed an offense.
