With each attack, we are stuck in déjà vu, by Abnousse Shalmani – L’Express

the real anti West double standards by Abnousse Shalmani – LExpress

One more attack. One more death. Knife, hammer, S file, psychiatric disorders, rule of law, incarceration, Islamic State, lack of monitoring. Dear reader, if you have the impression of having already read the sequence of these words, you are not losing your mind, you are not flubbing, you are not subject to déjà vu. Well, yes: you are stuck in the déjà vu, the déjà-analyzed, the déjà-felt. The left will cause “threat to the rule of law”, “no confusion” – which it is the first to do by confusing Muslims and Islamists according to Brotherhood rhetoric – say haro on the fascists, and remain blind to fascism Islamist.

Mélenchon is going to go a little further into denial and abjectness – someone slips into my earpiece that that’s it, he’s been there: he incriminates the dramatic state of psychiatry in France which gives birth to terrorists (on his account X). The right will attack the left and Macronie who did nothing, forgetting that it did neither better nor more when it was in power. We will remember that the law on separatism was passed, but never applied. President Macron will once again drown the Islamist fish in an opportunist speech, dictated by Yassine Belattar which will cause him “pain of Muslims” which must be respected, and whose terms he will forget the day after tomorrow. Darmanin will mention Matteo, and the RN will again come out on top in the episode. The editorialists in full dress will meet for a special broadcast on a public channel where trembling pincers will be the custom so as not to play into the hands of the extreme right which emerges as a winner, etc.

How to fight terrorism? This is the only question to ask, the only one that should mobilize the media and politicians. Regarding the security aspect, France has adapted, many attacks have been foiled, prisons are now trained to receive jihadists, and it is impossible to follow all the jihadists released after serving their sentences. It’s very difficult to hear, but the job is done and has been done. On the other hand, the security services must harmonize to avoid the tragic errors which led to the attack committed by a 26-year-old Franco-Iranian, Armand Rajabpour-Miyandoab, known to the intelligence services, already incarcerated, followed by a host of of psychiatrists – obviously incompetent -, reported by his mother, without her being heard, after having stopped his medication.

It seems obvious, however, that the stupid idea of ​​deradicalization is no longer relevant. We speak more correctly of disengagement, considering that it is impossible to eradicate an ideology, whereas it is possible to avoid as much as possible that it is put into bloody and murderous practice. SO ? So, what remains is to think about how to protect against Islamist ideology, how to combat its attractiveness, what to oppose to it to avoid seeing young people find it more attractive than a life of peace and joy, beauty and freedom. And school is a fundamental element of ideological rearmament.

French students no longer know how to read or write – in short. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, who was certainly the worst Minister of National Education with Pap NDiaye (who was especially conspicuous by his absence), should remain silent, as should the majority of teaching unions, which in the face of essential measures, think by Jean-Michel Blanquer and today (finally) applied by Gabriel Attal, are raising cries of horror even though they are partly responsible for the tragic state of the school.

The hysterical refusal of levels, of classification, of hierarchy, of a taste for effort, of the valorization of studies resembles a desire for collective suicide. As if hatred of France had reached such a height among some teachers – too large a majority of whom vote LFI – that they had to scuttle their studies and keep students in ignorance to prevent them from being fulfilled and emancipated. Because that would be supporting France – and it is already fascism to love democracy and the republic. That frankly deranged minds think that it is insulting to students to make them work harder when they do not have the level, that it is contemptuous to note that one schoolboy is better than another, very often because he is more diligent and works more, proves that it is now necessary to reinstate knowledge as a fight, to regenerate the Republic and shape the future.

Abnousse Shalmani, committed against the obsession with identity, is a writer and journalist
