Italian banks, IT investments above 2 billion. Majority in the Applications area

Italian banks IT investments above 2 billion Majority in the

(Finance) – In 2022 the Total Cost of Ownership – TCO (current expenses plus depreciation) incurred overall for IT sector from the Italian banking sector was equal to 5,871 million euros. This is what emerges from the “Survey on IT in the banking sector”, carried out annually by CIPA (Interbank Agreement for Automation) and ABI, in which 21 banking groups participated, representing a total of 92.5% of the groups as a whole Italian banks in terms of total assets, and 33 banks.

Analyzing the trend of the TCO on a constant sample of 16 groups, one is observed trend interruption growth that began in 2014, which sees a decrease of 0.2% for the 2022 financial year. An increase in total TCO of 2.1% is expected for 2023.

IT investments

The IT investmentswhich in total amount to 2,082 million euros, are concentrated above all in the Applications area (62%), followed by Peripheral systems (16.2%), Data centers (7.1%) and IT Security (6.1%). In all thematic areas, current expenses definitely prevail over investments, with the exception of the Applications area where the latter represent 45% of IT cash out. 68.4% of investments concern Software and 26.4% Hardware.

For the 2023 a 9.4% increase in the amount of IT investments is expected compared to the total investments in 2022.


On the entire sample of 21 groups the number of IT employees on average it is equal to 4.3% of the entire team, a fairly stable parameter over the years. The lowest values ​​relate to small groups due to their greater use of outsourcing IT activities.

Among the IT staff the age range the prevalence is between 35 and 49 years old, managers are 1.7% of the total and men are in the clear majority compared to women, who represent 28.1% of the entire IT team. The presence of women in IT is reduced at all contractual levels and decreases as they move up the ladder, going from 33.5% within the professional areas to 16.9% among managers. It also gradually decreases as age increases, going from 37.6% of under 35s to 14.9% of over 60s.


In 2022 all groups participating in the survey they use companies operating in FinTech. Credit, banking and financial services and payment services are the most affected areas, in which approximately 80% of the groups are active. Overall, Artificial Intelligence, open API, DLT-Blockchain and Robotic Process Automation stand out among the technologies in use.

Open banking

The implementation of value-added business services in open banking occurs most frequently throughuse of multi-operator platforms. The services most affected are P2P payment services, account aggregation and the valorisation of customer data. An increase in the use of open banking is expected in the two-year period 2023-2024.

(Photo: Sigmund on Unsplash)
