This is how entry crimes can be stopped | SVT News

09.00 Plan for northern Sweden and crime prevention work DIRECTLY

Interpellation debates in the Riksdag. Ministers answer the written questions submitted in advance by members of the Riksdag.

12.00 Report

12.03 It’s not done

National Economist Ingvar Nilsson presents the report “It’s not over”, about how early interventions against so-called entry-level crimes can stop the development towards more serious crimes. What can social services, the police, trade and politicians do? Organizer: Grocers. From 29/11.

13.55 Sweden in an uncertain world – what is the role of business?

The responsibility for our security rests primarily with the state, but business also has a very important role in the event of a crisis or war. What is the business community’s view of its role in total defence? Organizer: Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. From 4/12.

15.45 What requirements should the EU place on its aid countries?

The EU is a major donor of aid to countries around the world. How will the Union guarantee that the money ends up correctly and is not used for hatred and violence? Conversation in Brussels with EU parliamentarians Evin Incir (S) and Karin Karlsbro (L). Program manager: Marcus Carlehed. From 5/12.

16.00 Report

16.05 Happened today

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