In which situations is radiotherapy used? – Health News

In which situations is radiotherapy used Health News

Radiation is the propagation of energy in a medium in the form of rays and particles. We are frequently exposed to radiation in our daily lives due to radio and television lights, microwaves and sun rays. Special devices are needed for the use of radiation in the treatment of diseases. The use of high-dose radiation to treat diseases is called radiotherapy or radiation therapy.


Radiation Oncology Specialist Dr. Ahmet Büyükyörük, stating in which situations radiotherapy is used, said, “Radiotherapy; In some cases where it is not possible to completely cure the disease, as the primary treatment of the disease alone, for the purpose of shrinking the tumor before surgery, for the purpose of cleaning the cancer cells that may have remained at the microscope level in the body after surgery, for direct treatment without surgery, together with chemotherapy; Radiotherapy can be applied to reduce the patient’s complaints such as pain and bleeding. This type of treatment is called ‘palliative therapy’. Our normal cells divide, multiply and die at a certain rate. However, cancer cells divide, multiply, and become resistant to death much faster than our normal cells.



Dr. Büyükyörük said that radiotherapy is tailored to the individual and said, “The rays used in radiotherapy are used to stop the growth of cancer cells in the treated area or to kill those cells. When the rays damage DNA sufficiently by affecting the DNA in the cell nucleus of tumor tissues, cells lose their ability to reproduce. When the cells that die in the cancerous tissue are not renewed, the growth of the cancer stops and the mass shrinks. Radiation affects the cell with the highest division capacity. The number of normal cells in the treatment area is millions of times more than tumor cells. Affected neighboring normal cells, on the other hand, can return to their normal state because their repair mechanisms are complete. Radiotherapy applications are planned individually. Radiotherapy is a locally effective treatment method. It is only effective on the region where it is applied,” he said.



Dr. Büyükyörük said that radiotherapy is tailored to the individual and said, “The rays used in radiotherapy are used to stop the growth of cancer cells in the treated area or to kill those cells. When the rays damage DNA sufficiently by affecting the DNA in the cell nucleus of tumor tissues, cells lose their ability to reproduce. When the cells that die in the cancerous tissue are not renewed, the growth of the cancer stops and the mass shrinks. Radiation affects the cell with the highest division capacity. The number of normal cells in the treatment area is millions of times more than tumor cells. Affected neighboring normal cells, on the other hand, can return to their normal state because their repair mechanisms are complete. Radiotherapy applications are planned individually. Radiotherapy is a locally effective treatment method. It is only effective on the region where it is applied,” he said.
