Schools and preschools bring parents from Lucia celebrations

Many preschools and schools in the Stockholm area do not allow parents to join the children’s Lucia celebration.
The reason must be that the children feel uncomfortable appearing in front of a lot of people.
But the decision arouses strong feelings among parents.
– In addition to the whole performance thing, it’s about doing something as a family where the children can feel pride, joy and appreciation, says parent Jonatan Davidsson.

Several municipalities are now stopping parents from attending the children’s Lucia celebrations. The reason must be that the children experienced discomfort such as stomach ache, fear and shyness.

At a preschool in Östermalm, they have chosen not to invite the parents. According to the staff, it became calmer for the children and they were not exposed to the same nervousness.

“Important to teach the children”

Nathalie Nordquist, who has her son at preschool, says Middle of that she partially understands the decision. At the same time, she thinks it’s a shame.

– It’s not many times a year that we parents get to join in, she says and continues:

– Life will not always look like this. It is not always calm and safe. It is important to teach children to face these feelings as well.

Some preschools are said to have included the parents in other ways, such as letting them join in on a small coffee break with singing time before. Others have chosen to show the celebration on film afterwards.

“All children are different”

Carolina Carlsson, principal at Hedvig Eleonora preschools, says Middle of that the decision not to invite the parents was in the best interests of the children.

– We want the focus to be on making it a fun day for the children, not on performing in front of the guardians. It can be fun and festive even if they are not there, she said then.

– All children are different, and for some it can be experienced as scary and not very comfortable with a large group of guardians.
