Notice to parents: what you are doing (really) annoys your friends who don’t have children

Notice to parents what you are doing really annoys your

When you became a mother, you obviously went gaga for “the most beautiful baby in the world”. But make no mistake, the people around you are not as dazzled by all the little exploits of your “Choupinou”. Here are the behaviors and little phrases that annoy those who don’t have children.

Certain phrases or behaviors tend to interest no one other than you (or grandpa and grandma). Other parents will be able to understand you, compare the exploits of their own children, or exchange advice and tips. But most of the time, those who do not have children (the majority of your relatives and colleagues), will not really dare to tell you this: make them watch a video of Gabin taking his first steps and which lasts two good minutes is torture: they have to pretend, to be polite, to find it “so cute” and compliment your child, so as not to offend the proud mother that you are. And when you retort certain sentences to them like “You can’t understand until you have a child.”, know that you annoy them to the highest degree. So be aware of this. But deep down, you should already know this because before becoming a mother, you too were very annoyed by these behaviors:

You show your children’s photos and videos all the time

Since you became a mother, the world around you has stopped spinning, or at least it’s spinning around your baby. You have more than 365 photos per year in your phone, which you are quick to share as soon as you see a friend, a colleague or a close family member. And if you are proud of your little ones, know that the person in front of you may not really want to review your entire album, and even less so the videos of your offspring (especially since very often, they last weights!).

You always bring the conversation back to your children

You are in the cafeteria, among colleagues, talking about the latest movie releases, and here you are bringing everything back to your child, because He watches Paw Patrol! Yes, like many parents, you tend to talk a little “too much” to your dear little one, and that may not please everyone.

You utter exclusionary and divisive sentences, which go badly

“You can’t understand until you have a child,” Or “having a child is the most wonderful thing ever“… These little sentences which for you, reflect your experience, may be poorly perceived or experienced by your friends, who do not have children. Also avoid reminding your loved ones who say they are “tired” that It’s nothing compared to the sleepless nights you’ve been spending since your baby was born. Parents don’t have the monopoly on fatigue, stress, worry and mental workload.

Do you take all your leave during school holidays, and the others?

“By the way, I take my leave in February, on All Saints’ Day, at Christmas and throughout the summer, because they are school holidays.” “And then, I don’t have the choice to work on the same days as my nanny”… At work, single people or couples without children can also feel disadvantaged compared to young parents. Also remember that your colleagues may have the desire, and just as much right, to request the same periods of leave as yours.

You let your kids play and run around when they’re invited (and sometimes they break things)

What also annoys people who don’t have children is when they invite family friends over, and their young children run around the house. For children, it is impossible to sit still for hours without moving. We’re not going to lie, your children tend to run around, touch everything, bring mud when going outside, then inside, and sometimes be clumsy. For your part, you spend your time raising your voice and telling them to stay calm, and your host doesn’t really have time to have a peaceful discussion as you are forced to cut him off to intervene. Well, I promise, next time, we’ll try to come without the kids.

You constantly refuse evenings with friends… Worse, you impose on your little Leo

Your friend hasn’t seen you for a long time and is offering you a restaurant night (with girls). But you always have the excuse “you know, with the little one, it’s a little complicated in the evening, and then there’s fatigue”. So, you ask him to see you one Sunday afternoon at the park, with Léo, who can go on a ride on the carousel at the same time! Yes, except that it wasn’t really the type of outing your friend had in mind…

If you recognize yourself in any of these behaviors, try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes. But also tell yourself that if your friend is “annoyed” by all this, there is a good chance that she will become exactly like you when she becomes a mother. Yes, mom’s pride always takes over. In summary, don’t always bring everything back to your children… But by the way, have I already told you that my baby has a third tooth? Yes Yes !
