this report which highlights the “health usefulness” of AME – L’Express

this report which highlights the health usefulness of AME –

This is a point in favor of the deputies. State Medical Aid (AME) for undocumented foreigners, recently called into question by the Senate in the immigration bill, is “generally controlled”, but “deserves to be adapted”, points out the report commissioned by the government to Claude Evin and Patrick Stefanini.

The report, which underlines the “health usefulness” of the AME, points out the “limits and risks” of its replacement by more restrictive “emergency medical aid” as advocated by the right. During the examination of the immigration bill in the Senate, it had in fact voted in favor of abolishing the AME. In the law committee, the deputies nevertheless voted in favor of its reinstatement, even though the government seems divided on this question.

READ ALSO >>Immigration: AME, the other stone in Darmanin’s shoe

This report commissioned from Patrick Stefanini, former campaign director of Valérie Pécresse and François Fillon, and Claude Evin, minister Social Affairs and Solidarity under François Mitterrand, however, proposes a strengthening of controls and “eligibility criteria”, particularly with regard to family situation.
