The first promotional video for The Game Awards 2023, also known as the Game Oscars, has arrived. Official Twitter of The Game Awards (X) The trailer shared on his account was watched by millions of people in a short time. The 2 minutes and 42 seconds trailer, which received thousands of likes and hundreds of comments, promises excitement and passion to game lovers for the night when the most important game awards of the year will be distributed.
The Game Awards 2023 Trailer Released
There are only a few days left until The Game Awards 2023, where the best games of the year will be determined. The event, which will be held on Thursday, December 7, can be followed in our country starting from midnight on Friday, December 8, due to the time difference. Many games will compete to get more than one prize. The Game Awrads 2023 The public will also be informed about new plays and different productions.
Best Games of the Year The Game Awards 2023 Nominees You can take a look here.
In the post from The Game Awards’ official Twitter (X) account; “Thursday, #TheGameAwards goes live to celebrate the best and reveal what the future holds in video games. Here is this year’s exciting trailer; Geoff Keighley The trailer was shared using the phrase “Edited by”. Here is that announcement and promotional video:
Following this post, Geoff Keighley, who prepared the promotional trailer of the event, also quoted the promotional video from his own account and said; “Thursday night #TheGameAwards on air! Here is this year’s exciting trailer that I edited. “This is the story of our never-ending yet optimistic quest to overcome challenges in games and in life to find a way to move forward together A very special thank you.”
The Trailer Was Generally Liked, But There Are Also Criticisms!
At the Game Oscars night of the year, where games will compete to receive awards in many different categories, especially the best game of the year, we will have the opportunity to learn a wide range of information, from newly released games to productions under development. Receiving thousands of comments in a short time The Game Awards 2023 promotional video To take a look at some of the posts shared by the players on their personal social media accounts:
“Candidate for the best game of the year Mario Wonder, the trailer is from Jedi Survivor It seems less, does it make sense, I don’t think so. But overall I liked the trailer.”
“Prince of Persia Remake trailer “Will The Game Awards also be broadcast? It’s one of the topics I’m most curious about, but I couldn’t see any clues about it in this promotional video.”
“They couldn’t put GTA 6 in the trailer, I think they were upset about that. This year’s ceremony will largely be published by Rockstar Games tomorrow. GTA 6 promotional video I can say that it will pass under its shadow.”
“That’s a lot for an exciting trailer. unnecessary dialogue there is. Less is more, sometimes visuals are enough to do the talking. “It’s okay for the characters to say something for a few minutes, but since the speech doesn’t tell a story, I expected the music to have more space.”