Increases in the waste tax are expected in several parts of the country

Several of the largest municipalities will raise the waste tariff after the turn of the year.
In Örebro, the fee will be 30 percent more expensive.
The increases risk hitting already hard-pressed condominium associations.
– Of course we think it’s no fun at all, says Eric Lennerth, chairman of HSB condominium association Färjan.

TV4 Nyheten’s circular shows that several of the ten largest municipalities have either decided or propose an increase in the waste tax after the turn of the year.

Örebro raises the most

Örebro is the municipality that decided to increase the waste tax the most, approximately 30 percent will be the average increase. In Gothenburg, it has been decided to increase the waste tax by 12.5 percent, at the same time several other municipalities are also expected to increase, but the rates differ greatly and are difficult to compare.

The general cost situation is behind it

In Stockholm, a 24 percent increase in the waste tax is proposed, which is influenced by several factors.

– Partly the general cost situation in the country, with increased interest rates, increased fuel costs and more expensive bills that contribute to our needing to raise tariffs, says Malin Werner, head of waste operations at Stockholm Water and Waste.

Hard blow for condominium associations

Eric Lennerth, who is chairman of the HSB condominium association Färjan in Stockholm, believes that the increase may affect the condominium association in the long run.

– Of course, we don’t think it’s fun at all, because it means that we may have to charge our members higher fees.

What would you have wanted from Stockholm water and waste in this situation?

– I would probably have liked them to review their investment pace and recalculate everything together with the municipality and actually the politicians should perhaps also raise a small voice about this, says Eric Lennerth, chairman of the HSB condominium association Färjan.

This is how the waste tariff changes in the ten largest municipalities

Stockholm: Proposal for an increase of 24%.

Gothenburg: Decision increase 12.5%.

Malmö: No information on increase yet.

Uppsala: The basic fees are increased by 4%, the collection fees for residual waste are increased by 1% and the collection fees for food waste are reduced by 30%. The multi-apartment buildings can receive a deduction on each basic fee of SEK 300, if they have a complete packaging collection. That deduction more than halves the basic fee for most apartment buildings and institutional housing (student corridors and nursing homes).

Linköping: Proposal to increase by 9%.

Västerås: Decision on free collection of food waste, but increased fee for collection of residual waste. For the vast majority, the new rate means no change.

Örebro: Decision increase 30%.

Helsingborg: No increase.

Norrköping: Proposal to increase by 6%.

Jönköping: Proposes no increases.
