This is how winter affects the war in Ukraine

Lieutenant Colonel Joakim Paasikivi describes the situation in Ukraine as a “war of position” between two parties that are not making much progress.

At the same time, a winter awaits, which makes the entire war apparatus even more difficult.

Everything gets more difficult and the war continues, he says.

Since the war between Israel and Hamas broke out almost two months ago, the eyes of the world have largely been directed towards the Middle East.

However, the war in Ukraine is going on in full swing, despite the media shadow.

– These are tough battles. People are dying all the time along the front and Russia keeps sending robots and drones into the cities. But no one takes a lot of terrain, says lieutenant colonel Joakim Paasikivi in ​​Efter fem.

“War of positions”

He describes the recent conflict as both parties getting stuck, without taking more than a few kilometers in either direction, and describes the situation as a “war of position”.

For Russia, a lot of focus right now is on capturing the city of Avdijvka in the east, according to Joakim Paasikivi. And you do it with extremely large losses, even though a possible takeover would have small profits, he believes.

– They have lost as many tanks and combat vehicles as the entire Swedish army has, and there are very many dead, he says, and adds:

– They want a victory for victory’s sake, perhaps for Putin’s election campaign before the elections in March.

Difficult winter

The war, which broke out in February 2022, is now entering its third winter, and the season has a major impact on warfare, Paasikivi believes. This is about everything from weapons that get condensation on them when they are brought in and out of buildings, to engine oils in vehicles that are at risk of solidifying.

– It is an extremely much more labor-intensive reality for the soldiers. Keeping yourself warm and trying to get some food in, while you have to take care of the equipment. Everything gets more difficult, and the war continues, he says.

Yesterday 18:42

Paasikivi: It happens in the Ukrainian war

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