AI can increase the need for basic income

AI can increase the need for basic income
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full screen If AI takes the jobs, a basic income may need to be introduced. That’s what MP’s newly elected spokesperson Daniel Helldén says in Ekot’s Saturday interview. Archive image. Photo: Pavel Koubek/AP/TT

Artificial intelligence (AI) could cause many people to lose their jobs. And if that happens, basic income may have to be introduced. That’s what the Green Party’s newly elected spokesperson Daniel Helldén says in Ekot’s Saturday interview.

– If a large part of the population might become unemployed from the jobs they have today, we have to make some kind of change to the social insurance systems, says Helldén to the radio.

Daniel Helldén, together with two other environmentalists, submitted motion proposals to the Riksdag to investigate whether a basic income is needed. MP has also previously come up with proposals for a basic income, a guaranteed income for everyone without conditions.

This time, however, the proposal is motivated by AI development and, according to Daniel Helldén, it is urgent. He says that the classic way of working will change in the fairly near future.

– We have to take this seriously. It must be done now, says Daniel Helldén.
