Darkness settles over Northern Sweden

The polar night sweeps over northern Sweden, and on Thursday the sun rose and set for the last time this year in Sweden’s northernmost point, Treriksröset.

Now it moves further south, and down towards the Arctic Circle. It gets there on December 22 when we have the winter solstice.

– Then it will retreat and we move towards brighter times, says TV4’s meteorologist, Linda Eriksson.

Then the polar night falls in other parts of Sweden:

Abisko 5/12 2023

Kiruna 10/12 2023

Treriksröset 30/11 2023

Keinovuopio 1/12 2023

Karesuando 5/12 2023

Polar night or midwinter darkness means that the sun never rises during the day. That is, it is below the horizon throughout the day. In the clip, our meteorologist Linda Eriksson talks about where the polar night falls first and how long it lasts.
