The license committee of the SM league says that it has rejected Tuto Hockey’s league license application for the coming season | Sport

The license committee of the SM league says that it

The Swedish Hockey League says on its website that it has rejected the league license application of the Turku club playing in Mestis for the 2024–25 season.

Jääkiekon SM-liiga Oy the licensing committee says having processed and rejected the league license application of Tuto Hockey from Turku. Tuto Hockey applied for a license to the SM league for the upcoming season 2024–25.

Tuto is currently playing in Finland’s second highest league level in Mestis. Tuto Hockey Oy submitted its league license application at the beginning of November.

The Licensing Committee says in a press release published on the SM league’s website that it confirmed its decision on Monday, November 27.

– As a result of our overall review, the license committee has decided that it will not support TuTo Hockey Oy’s license application. TuTo has been provided with a detailed decision related to the matter with reasons, the chairman of the license committee of the SM league Jarkko Luumi says in the announcement.

In addition to Luum, members of the license committee include a board member of Jääkiekon SM-Liiga Oy Lasse Aho and a lawyer Robert Bützow.

According to the SM league, the license committee goes through a “detailed review” of every hockey club applying for a league license. It examines the applicant club’s financial situation as well as athletic and situational requirements. These are examined on the basis of the materials submitted by the applicant clubs to the license committee of the SM League.

– Decisions about each club’s license eligibility are always made based on an overall review. The triggering of an individual rejection criterion does not automatically mean that the club in question will not be granted a league license, Luumi adds in the announcement.

The first news is updated.
