What is prosthetic dental treatment? What does prosthetic dental treatment do?

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Dental treatments today include not only having healthy teeth but also a beautiful and natural smile. Today, dental treatments are offered in a diversified range in terms of aesthetics and functionality, thanks to developing technology and expertise. Prosthetic dental treatment, which has an important place among these treatments, is an effective method used to replace lost teeth and restore oral health. While prosthetic dental treatment offers patients an aesthetic and functional solution by eliminating tooth deficiencies, modern dental treatment methods make the treatment process more comfortable and effective.

What is prosthetic dental treatment?

Prosthetic dental treatment is a treatment performed to replace missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth and dental structures such as implants, bridges, veneers and dentures. The goal of this treatment is to improve the function and appearance of the teeth. The main methods used in prosthetic dental treatment are:

  • implant
  • Bridge
  • Covering
  • Denture

Prosthetic dental treatment is an important treatment that should be performed when needed. For the health and appearance of your teeth, it is important to go for regular dentist check-ups and get prosthetic dental treatment when needed. Some benefits of prosthodontic treatment include:

  • It improves the function and appearance of teeth.
  • It reduces pain and infection.
  • Prevents tooth loss.
  • It makes speaking and chewing easier.

How is prosthetic dental treatment performed?

Prosthetic dental treatment is a treatment performed to replace missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth and dental structures such as implants, bridges, veneers and dentures. The goal of this treatment is to improve the function and appearance of the teeth. Prosthetic dental treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia. The duration of treatment varies depending on the type and extent of treatment. implant treatment It usually consists of two or three stages. In the first stage, the implant is placed in the tooth socket. This procedure is usually done in a single session and takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour. In the second stage, after the implant fuses with the bone, an artificial tooth is attached to it. This process is usually done after 2-3 months and takes between 1-2 hours.

bridge treatment It is usually done in several sessions. Depending on the type and extent of the bridge, the total duration of bridge treatment may vary from 1 week to 1 month. veneer treatment It is usually done in a single session. Depending on the extent of damage to the tooth, the veneer process may take between 30 minutes and 1 hour. Denture treatment It is usually done in a few sessions. Depending on the type and extent of the denture, the total duration of denture treatment may vary from 1 week to 1 month.

After the treatment is completed, the dentist will check your teeth regularly. These checks are important to evaluate the success of the treatment and to detect possible complications early. Prosthetic dental treatment is an effective way to replace missing or damaged teeth. This treatment helps improve the function and appearance of the teeth.

To whom is prosthetic dental treatment applied?

Prosthodontic treatment may be suitable for many people seeking solutions to a variety of dental problems. To answer the question to whom prosthetic dental treatment can be applied:

  • Those with missing teeth: Prosthetic dental treatment is aimed at people who have lost one or more teeth. Missing teeth can be replaced through dental implants, bridges or dentures.
  • Those with Partial Missing Teeth: People who are missing several teeth may be offered solutions such as partial dentures or bridges. These treatments protect oral health by supporting the jaw structure as well as filling missing teeth.
  • Those with Complete Tooth Loss: People who have lost all their teeth may be offered various prosthetic dental treatment options, such as full dentures or implant-supported full dentures. These treatments provide an aesthetic and functional solution by replacing the patient’s natural teeth.
  • Those with Broken or Damaged Teeth: Individuals with broken, cracked or damaged teeth can achieve an aesthetic appearance with restorative prosthetic solutions such as dental veneers or zirconium porcelain veneers.
  • Those with Weakened Teeth Due to Decay: For those with teeth weakened by decay, restorative dental treatments such as fillings, inlays, onlays or porcelain inlays can be applied.
  • Those with Jaw Bone Regression After Tooth Loss: Dental implants offer people who experience recession in their jawbone after tooth loss the opportunity to compensate for tooth deficiencies by supporting the jawbone.
  • Those who want an aesthetic smile: Individuals who are dissatisfied with the shape, color or arrangement of their teeth can apply to dentists to obtain an aesthetic smile with prosthetic dental treatment.

Does prosthetic dental treatment involve filling?

Prosthetic dental treatment and filling are generally different dental treatment methods and serve different purposes. There may be some similarities between the two treatments, but they are fundamentally different. Filling and prosthetic dental treatment are treatments for different dental problems. There is no filling in prosthetic dental treatment, but if one or more of the teeth need filling during the prosthetic dental treatment process, it can be done. However, prosthetic dental treatment is not recommended for direct filling treatment.

While fillings are generally used to repair minor cavities, prosthetic dental treatment is preferred in cases of missing teeth or serious damage. The choice of treatment is determined by the individual’s dental health status, needs and preferences. Your dentist will evaluate the individual’s condition to create the appropriate treatment plan and recommend the most effective treatment.

Which department deals with prosthetic dental treatment?

Prosthetic dental treatment is performed by dentists called prosthodontists. Prosthodontists are dentists who have studied at the faculty of dentistry and specialize in prosthetic dental treatment. If you need prosthetic dental treatment, you should see a prosthodontist. The prosthodontist will examine your teeth and create the most appropriate treatment plan for you.

Does the state cover prosthetic dental treatment?

The scope of prosthetic dental treatments covered by the state varies depending on the type and scope of treatment. For example, only the implant part of implant treatment is covered by the state. The artificial tooth part is not covered by the state. Fees for prosthetic dental treatments covered by the state are paid according to the tariff determined by SGK. The tariff varies depending on the type and scope of treatment. Whether or not prosthetic dental treatment will be covered by SSI varies depending on the content of the treatment you will receive and your situation.

Are prosthetics and dentures the same thing?

No, prosthetics and prosthetics are not the same thing. It is a branch of treatment in prosthetic dentistry to replace missing or damaged teeth with artificial teeth and dental structures. Prosthetic dental treatment can be performed using a variety of methods, such as implants, bridges, veneers and dentures.

Prosthesis is an artificial tooth or series of teeth used to replace missing or damaged teeth. Dentures can be fixed or mobile. Fixed dentures are fixed to solid teeth or implants. Removable dentures are fixed to the jawbone with clips or suction cups attached to the teeth. Therefore, prosthetic dental treatment is a branch of treatment that includes procedures such as placement, maintenance and follow-up of the prosthesis, as well as making the prosthesis.
