Do you have a mobile subscription with a limited data envelope? Avoid the unpleasant surprise of exceeding your full price plan by making this simple setting on your Android smartphone or iPhone.

Do you have a mobile subscription with a limited data

Do you have a mobile subscription with a limited data envelope? Avoid the unpleasant surprise of exceeding your full price plan by making this simple setting on your Android smartphone or iPhone.

Advertisements constantly tout the advantages of mobile plans including an almost inexhaustible data envelope. 100 GB here, 200 GB there… the race for gigabytes is raging between telecom operators. The fact remains that these packages are billed at full price or, at the very least, that their price is not fixed. It evolves over time with, for example, an attractive cost for the first six months then much less attractive in the following months. If you think you don’t need such a generous data envelope, perhaps you have opted for a much cheaper plan that provides a more limited usable data envelope. Packages that are more than sufficient in many cases, especially if your smartphone is connected most of the time to a Wi-Fi network. In fact, in this case, the Internet connection and the volume of data exchanged is not billed. .

But as soon as there is no Wi-Fi connection, the situation changes. The apps installed on your mobile continue to work in the background… and many of them then use the smartphone’s 4G connection. Consequence: your small data plan can quickly dwindle to nothing without you even realizing it. Worse, you may end up with additional fees to pay if you exceed the authorized limit! ! Fortunately, your smartphone, whether it’s an iPhone or an Android, allows you to designate precisely which apps are not allowed to use mobile data. A good way to prevent, for example, an app that you end up using very little from unknowingly taking up a few hundred megabytes in a month simply to send you notifications.

Whether you use an Android smartphone or an iPhone, sorting out the apps authorized to connect to the mobile network, and therefore eat into your data plan, remains quite simple. On Android, go to the phone settings in the Applications section. The list of installed apps is displayed. Tap the name of an app that you suspect is connecting to the mobile network, then in the Usage section, tap Mobile data. Then toggle the Background switch to the off position.

On iPhone, the maneuver is even easier. Go to Settings then tap Cellular Data. Scroll down. All apps with access to mobile data are displayed. Simply turn off the switch for those you want to cut off access to.


You may have noted in passing the presence of a value expressed in MB or GB associated with each app – note that 1 GB corresponds to approximately 1000 MB, according to the conventions of operators and manufacturers, which are not always very clear. It corresponds to the quantity of data exchanged through the mobile network and therefore on your data plan. The numbers can quickly climb as you can see!
