Here are the groceries where you MUST compare the price

In times when Christmas is just around the corner and food has to be bought, it is especially important to keep track of expenses. There are several food products that are worth more than others to compare prices, says Matpriskollen’s CEO Ulf Mazur.

Stora Coop, City Gross or Ica Maxi – this is where the Swedish people prefer to shop

The food products you should compare prices on – according to the expert

The basis for getting away as cheaply as possible when shopping is to look at specific goods, as prices differ considerably from product to product and from size to size, he believes.

– The basis is that you should look at staples that can be stored longer, which should be purchased when the price is low, such as coffee, for example, or see if the product can be frozen.

Other fresh produce can be anything from dairy to vegetables:

  • Cheese
  • Minced meat
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumber
  • Pepper
  • – But it is also good if you check comparative prices on, for example, juices with or without concentrate and everything else where the size usually differs between the packages, he says to News24.

    The expenses you should avoid before Christmas – the expert: “An expensive month”

    The foods you should avoid shopping for

    There are also certain items placed in such a way by the store that it becomes impossible to avoid them and therefore increases the possibility that you will succumb to temptation and buy something that you did not plan.

    – At the checkout line, there are often goods with fairly low prices that you easily want to treat yourself to because it feels good in the short term even if it is not the best in the long term, such as sweets, chewing gum, cigarettes and snuff. If you want to save money, take out the shopping list if the urge arises when you’re standing at the checkout line and ask yourself the question: Have I bought what I actually should?
