This is how we work against the criminal gangs

The Swedish gang wars are raging and 2023 looks set to be one of the bloodiest years in modern times, with a record number of shootings and bombings.

A large part of the criminal activity is controlled from abroad, as many gang leaders are located in countries such as the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Spain.

Recently, there have been a number of arrests thanks to cross-border cooperation between the countries’ police, which has developed recently.

– We have created a large system for information exchange where the member states are also on site at Europol’s premises in The Hague, where you can make these quick contacts, says Linda Staaf, Europol’s national head and police chief, in Nyhetsmorgon.

The local has become international

Linda Staaf explains how important Europol’s collaborative work is.

– Local crime is today international with the global development we have. For that reason, it is absolutely crucial that we from the Swedish authorities work with other countries’ law enforcement authorities.

There are several different reasons why criminal actors choose to operate abroad, partly because it makes the work of the police more difficult.

– As a criminal, you create an advantage when you move to another country, but we are constantly working to develop our cooperation with other countries, says Linda Staaf.

Spain is a country that has become a haven, not only for Swedish gang criminals, but also for several other countries. However, this is about to change, Staaf believes, as the country’s cooperation with Europol has improved.

– You see that criminals tend to leave Spain because it is not as advantageous for them to stay there anymore, says Linda Staaf.

Focus on communication

In 2020, the communication tool EncroChat was cracked, much with the help of the police in France. The success led to scores of convictions against Swedish gang criminals.

Communication is a key for Europol in the fight against the networks.

– It is not possible to do criminal business without communicating today. Going back to how it looked a number of years ago when you had to meet physically, it’s not really possible with the technological development that has taken place, says the police chief and continues:

– You are so dependent on being able to communicate quickly and you have to be able to do it across national borders. Communication is constantly one of the factors that we need to look at.

The escalating violence is difficult to stop and places new – and major – demands on Europe’s law enforcement authorities, says Linda Staaf.

– It is true that Sweden stands out in this type of gang violence, but we are not alone in Europe in having problems with aggressive gang actors. There is a new generation of young people who are very brutal.
