They released 39 people, including that name! Unbelievable prohibitions from Israel for those who do not comply…

They released 39 people including that name Unbelievable prohibitions from

Shortly after the 13 Israeli prisoners released by the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas arrived in Israel, 39 Palestinian prisoners, including 24 women and 15 children under the age of 18, were taken from the Israeli Ofer Prison in the occupied West Bank. released.

Thousands of Palestinians gathered in the West Bank’s Betunya Town with Palestinian and Hamas flags to welcome the released women and children captives.

Palestinians chanted takbirs and chanted slogans praising Hamas and the Palestinian resistance; He celebrated the liberation of the captives.

The freed Palestinian women experienced the joy of being reunited with their families in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.


Palestinian woman Merah Bekir, who was freed after being held captive for 8 years in Israeli prison, made a statement to the press, including an AA correspondent, in front of her house in East Jerusalem.


Bekir stated that although they were happy to be released, they “felt great pain for the Palestinians who were martyred in Gaza.”

The young Palestinian woman said, “Our release was due to the blood of our martyrs in Gaza. Greetings to them. “I say resist, God will not forget you and will support you,” he said.

Bekir answered the question about what he planned to do next as someone who was liberated, as “continuing his education at university and studying law.”



Palestinian Marah Bekir, who was arrested in 2015 when she was 15 years old, was sentenced to 8 years and 6 months in prison. Marah Bekir regained her freedom after many years at the age of 23.

Marah was taken into custody injured after school, and her images had a great impact around the world. Bekir, who was shot in the arm by Israeli soldiers while he was detained, appeared at his first hearing in a wheelchair with his feet handcuffed.


Ragad al-Fenni, 24, from the city of Tulkerem in the occupied West Bank, is one of the Palestinian women whom Israel captured under the name of “administrative detention” on October 29, 2022 and repeated her detention many times.


Describing the reception she received after her release from Ofer Prison as “wonderful”, the young Palestinian woman said, “It was a surprise for us, we did not expect this much.” she said.

Fenni emphasized that they will continue to resist Israel’s violations and said, “We have always been on the streets, we came from the streets, we will return to the streets again.” he said.

Fenni said that her experiences were “nothing” compared to the pain experienced by the people of Gaza and expressed her wish that all other women still held captive in Israeli prisons would be freed as soon as possible.


Revan Abu Ziyade from the town of Beytillu in Ramallah, who was arrested by Israeli forces in 2015 and sentenced to 9 years in prison, stated that the pressure on Palestinian prisoners increased after October 7.


Noting that they left behind convicted women behind bars, Abu Ziyade said, “Our message is to get rid of Israeli prisons and empty them.” said.


On the other hand, Israel imposed some bans on Palestinians released within the scope of the agreement. Released Palestinians will not be able to make statements to the press and will not be allowed to hold meetings in their homes. On the other hand, released Palestinian prisoners and their families were also prohibited from distributing sweets for the celebration. Palestinian detainees who do not comply with these prohibitions will be fined approximately 18 thousand dollars.



Israel’s practice of “administrative detention” means detaining Palestinians in the occupied territories without being charged.

Palestinians can be imprisoned for up to 6 months without being informed of the accusation against them and without the right to defend themselves.

After this period, the detention period of a Palestinian who is referred to a military court but is unaware of the charges can be extended several times for up to 5 years.


The agreement regarding a 4-day humanitarian pause in the clashes between Israel and Hamas came into effect at 07:00 yesterday (08:00 Turkish lira).

Within the scope of the agreement, 150 Palestinians in Israeli prisons will be released in exchange for a total of 50 Israeli prisoners held by Hamas. The captives who will be released include women and children from both sides.

Source: AA

