End of the health pass: March 14, where is it still compulsory?

End of the health pass March 14 where is it

END OF SANITARY PASS. Like the vaccination pass, the health pass is lifted this Monday, March 14, 2022 in France, in places where it was required (restaurant, bar, cinema, etc.) except in certain places where it remains compulsory (hospital, Ehpad, nursing home). retirement). How to recover it? On Ameli? How to print it?

[Mis à jour le 14mars 2022 à 948] Monday March 14, 2022 marks the end of the sanitary pass in France, had announced the government. As a reminder, since January 24, 2022, the health pass only concerns minors aged 12 to 15. The others can only present the vaccination pass (also deleted on March 14). The health pass is also authorized for people accompanying or visiting health services and establishments and medico-social (hospital, nursing home, retirement home, establishment for disabled adults, etc.) to people accommodated in these services and establishments (with the exception of medico-social establishments and services for children, or independent residences). This obligation is waived in any emergency situation or for carrying out a screening test. How to get your health pass? Where is it mandatory?

Definition: what is the health pass?

the sanitary pass is a document (paper or digital) which entered into force in France on August 9, 2021. This device is proof:

  • either the vaccination certificateprovided that people have a complete vaccination schedule
  • either a negative RT-PCR, antigen or self-test performed under the supervision of a healthcare professional less than 24 hours maximum.
  • either a positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to the recovery of Covid, dating back at least 11 days and less than 4 months for those over 18 (from February 15) and 6 months for those under 18. It indicates a limited risk of reinfection with Covid-19.

A medical certificate attesting to a medical contraindication to vaccination can be presented instead of the 3 aforementioned documents and replaces a health pass.

What is the end date of the health pass in France?

the Monday, March 14, 2022 marks the end of the health pass in France. It is therefore no longer compulsory to present a health pass for minors aged 12 to 15 in restaurants, cinemas and museums. On the other hand, the health pass will always be necessary to enter health establishments, hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, establishments for disabled adults.

Do I need a health pass to take the train?

Since March 14, it is no longer necessary to present a health pass to be able to access the interregional public transport (domestic flights, TGV, Intercités and night trains, interregional coaches). However, the mask remains obligatory.

Do I need a health pass to go to the restaurant?

Since Monday March 14, it is no longer necessary to present a health pass to be able to go to the restaurant. Minors and adults can therefore go there without presenting it.

Where is the health pass still compulsory?

Even after March 14, 2022, the health pass is required for access to health facilities:

  • hospitals, clinics, medico-social establishments;
  • retirement homes, Ehpads, autonomy residences;
  • establishments for people with disabilities.

The health pass is not required in the emergency rooms of hospitals and clinics or to carry out a screening test. Nor is it required to access medico-social establishments and services for children, or independent residences.

What are the differences between a health pass and a vaccination pass?

Unlike the vaccination pass, implemented on January 24, 2022 in France for people over 16 (publication by decree in the Official Journal on January 22, 2022), the health pass includes the additional possibility of presenting proof of a negative test of less than 24 hours. In other words, the vaccination pass does not take into account the result of a negative test to access certain places. The result of a negative test (neither antigen nor PCR or supervised self-test) will no longer allow you to have a valid pass.

How to get your health pass?

To recover your health pass, everything depends on the health proof chosen:

  • Vaccination certificate: just scan the QR code to import it and store it locally, in your phone, with TousAntiCovid;
  • RT-PCR and antigen tests : they generate proof as soon as the result is entered by the healthcare professional in SI-DEP, which can be printed directly and which is also made available to the patient via an email and an SMS to pick it up on the SI-DEP portal. On TousAntiCovid, the import of the proof into the application is done by the patient: from the document in paper or PDF format from SI-DEP and which accompanies the test result, by scanning the QR code on the left on the document ; by clicking on the link in the SI-DEP portal, which allows you to directly import the test result into TousAntiCovid;
  • The process to retrieve proof of a positive test, also called proof of “recovery”is the same as for negative tests via SI-DEP.

Where to get your health pass on Ameli?

On the Health Insurance website (Ameli.fr) it is possible to download your vaccination certificate which can serve as a health pass, when the vaccination schedule is complete. For that you need :

  • Go on https://attestation-vaccin.ameli.fr/
  • Identify with France Connect
  • The vaccination certificate can then be downloaded in PDF format. It can be added to the phone by scanning the QR Code on the sheet from the TousAntiCovid application.

Test results are not available on the Ameli website but only proof of vaccination.

What to do if the health pass is deactivated?

To have a valid health pass, you must:

  • have done this last shot less than 7 months ago. The vaccines accepted by France are those recognized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA): Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca/Vaxzevria/Covishield and Johnson & Johnson. The proof of vaccination is only valid if it makes it possible to certify the completion of a complete vaccination schedule, and the time required after the final injection.
  • Have done his booster dose within 4 months of the last dose.
  • be able to present a negative PCR or antigen test less than 24 hours.
  • be able to present a positive PCR or antigen test attesting to recovery from Covid-19, dating back at least 11 days and less than 4 months for adults
  • be able to present a medical certificate attesting to a medical contraindication to vaccination

In other words, the sanitary pass is deactivated if you do not meet one of these conditions. In this case, you must complete your vaccination schedule, which will give rise to a new QR Code to be scanned in TousAntiCovid to reactivate the health pass. Or do a negative screening test valid for 24 hours.

One complete vaccination schedule understand the fact ofhave received all doses for the initial vaccination (1 or 2 doses depending on the case) for more than 7 days (AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Moderna) or more than 28 days (Janssen) and dhaving received the booster dose (under 4 months).

How long is the health pass valid for?

  • For an unvaccinated person who gets tested to get a health pass, the test is valid for 24 hours.
  • For an adult and vaccinated, you have to do the booster dose for a maximum of 4 months to keep your health pass valid. Under 18s are not required to abseil. They must have taken their 2nd dose for at least 7 days.

► To calculate the date on which to call back, a service was set up by theHealth Insurance : My Covid Vaccine Reminder. This service allows you to know from when you must take your booster dose against Covid-19 and to know the expiry date of your health pass if you do not do the booster.

All PCR and antigen tests generate proof as soon as the professional enters the result into the database SI-DEP which can be printed live by the person. For the vaccination certificate : Go to the site Certificate-Vaccine d’Ameli.fr and log in with your France Connect credentials. The vaccination certificate with the QR Code can then be downloaded in PDF format and can be printed directly.

Sources: Update on the health pass, Gouvernement.fr / Everything you need to know about the health pass, Service-public.fr
