on appeal, ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy contests “any criminal responsibility”

on appeal ex president Nicolas Sarkozy contests any criminal responsibility

Nicolas Sarkozy appeared this Friday, November 24 before the Paris Court of Appeal for exceeding the legal ceiling for his lost 2012 presidential campaign. The former head of state once again contested any criminal responsibility in this case.

1 min

Hearing report, Pierre Olivier

At first with Olympian calm, facing the court, Nicolas Sarkozy becomes more and more pugnacious as the president questions him.

The one who was a candidate for his own re-election in 2012 refuses to talk about a runaway in his campaign. “ An absurdity to say that », he gets carried away.

According to him, one meeting per day for a month and a half is nothing extraordinary for a presidential election.

Concerning the excess of 20 million euros of the authorized ceiling, Nicolas Sarkozy gestures, then asks the court to put itself in the head of the ” Airbus pilot » : « I was president and candidate “, I wasn’t going to ” myself go through 43 boxes full of invoices “.

The former president vigorously denies having been made aware of the false invoicing. A system, he says, which has “ not set up to make it win, but to make money for a certain number of people “.

In its sights, the Bygmalion company, organizer of its meetings, founded by relatives of its great rival, Jean-François Copé.

Read alsoFrance: Nicolas Sarkozy back in court for financing his campaign in 2012
