Argentine feminist activist thinks Caucasian war gets too much attention – Ukraine divides Latin America

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

In Latin America, many choose their side based on what they think of the United States, and that blurs attitudes toward war in Ukraine as well. The media in the region are often sympathetic to Russia’s perspective.

BUENOS AIRES. The United States and NATO have taken Ukraine into a war for which it is impossible to survive.

Russia is not killing civilians on purpose, but is being used as a human shield by the Ukrainian army.

C5N is one of the most watched news channels in Argentina and the war in Ukraine has been the main topic.

In the Latin American media, the war is seen above all as a conflict between the United States and Russia.

Opinion is often influenced by the party stance.

The right condemns, but in the left camp, many believe in Russian propaganda. The reason is Russia’s ignorance and hatred of the United States.

It supported bloody military dictatorships in Latin America in the 1960s and 1980s.

Uruguayan TV journalist Hugo Morales was also imprisoned during a 12-year dictatorship.

“Looks like the United States has penetrated too close”

The dividing line is visible on the streets of Buenos Aires.

A feminist activist on his way to the Women’s Day demonstration Leticia Garziglia wishes to emphasize that he condemns all wars and does not know enough about Russia and the background to the war in Ukraine.

– However, it seems that the United States has violated agreements and penetrated too close to Russia with NATO.

Garziglia also criticizes the media, from whom he would like more equal treatment.

“European journalists are wondering why Caucasian and blue-eyed people are going to war,” Garziglia says.

– At the same time, the United States is bombing Somalia, Israel is occupying Palestine and there is war in Yemen as well. They don’t seem to interest anyone, he compares.

From Argentina to Russia as a gateway to Latin America

During the pandemic, appreciation for Russia increased in many Latin American countries.

Russia rushed to the rescue before the West and delivered Sputnik vaccines to Argentina, among other places.

President Alberto Fernández has swallowed financial aid from Russia.

There, he offered Argentina Russia as a gateway to Latin America if it would help reduce dependence on the United States.

“Although Russia pursues an imperialist policy, it has not done so here.”

Currently, Russia’s biggest supporters in Latin America are the economically dependent authoritarian Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

Russia’s position in Latin America has strengthened in recent years, although it is still clearly smaller than that of the region’s main trading partners, the United States and China.

The Russian state media also has influence in many countries.

As a result of the war, the broadcasts of RT and Sputnik were stopped, for example, in Uruguay, neighboring Argentina.

The United States has a long tradition of interfering in Latin American affairs with tragic consequences.

Leticia Garziglia believes that this is why it is easier for many to believe in Russia than in the Western media.

– Although Russia pursues an imperialist policy, it has not done so here.

You can discuss the topic until 11pm on Tuesdays.
