Are you a super-physiognomist? Take this test to find out if you have a gift

Are you a super physiognomist Take this test to find out

Have you ever recognized the faces of people you had met before without putting a first name on them? What if you had the gift of being a super-physiognomist. To find out, take this test which only lasts 5 minutes. We did it in the editorial office and here are our results.

In the street, during an event or simply by scrolling through photos on social networks, some people have the gift of recognizing in a few seconds the face of a person they do not know personally, but whom they already have. encountered at least once in their life. This is what we call being a physiognomist. According to the definition of the Lerobert dictionary, the person in question is “able to recognize at first glance a person he has already met”. This researcher from the University of Greenwich, England, Professor Josh P. Davis, has developed an online, anonymous test that can be completed in just five minutes that will allow you to know whether or not you are super- physiognomist.

Which super-physiognomist are you?

To perform the super-physiognomist test, it’s quite simple. All you have to do is look at and remember a face for a few seconds, and then identify it among other faces. To make the task a little more difficult, details change throughout the photos: the face is put in profile, hair accessories are removed, heads are slightly blurred. In total, you will have to analyze 14 faces. If you score above 10, you are probably a super physiognomist. Below 10, you don’t quite have the skills of a physiognomist, but that doesn’t mean you’re “bad” at recognizing people visually. The researcher also specifies that: “The faces you were asked to learn were shown very briefly. Some people need more time to form a reliable memory of a person’s face, but once this memory is established, it can last years.”

At the editorial office, we also took part in the physiognomist test. The first images seemed quite simple to us, but quickly the similarities on certain faces made the task more complex. Result: we obtained a score of 9 out of 14. Here is the link to take the super-physiognomist testestablished by the University of Greenwich.

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Also know that this skill can be an asset for you at work. Indeed, this type of profile is of particular interest to several sectors of activity: police, security guards in stores or casinos, etc. This ability will also help you if you are in regular contact with customers, particularly for salespeople who would have an advantage certain by easily remembering the people they approach.
