Are you one of the 10% of French people capable of answering this logical question that appeared in a very successful television program? Take the test!
The show 100% Logic is the new big success of France 2. The game presented by Cyril Féraud challenges candidates and viewers every Saturday evening, who respond to the appointment. The concept of this program is as simple as it is addictive: 100 candidates answer a series of logic questions, which require common sense and observation, to win a prize pool which can reach 100,000 euros.
Whatever your age, your level of study, or your knowledge, you can answer these questions which appeal to logic and common sense. No need, as is the case in other game shows, to have a gigantic general knowledge and an exceptional memory to participate in the show or to have fun answering the puzzles in front of your television.
In 100% logical, only those who correctly answer the puzzles continue the adventure. And gradually, the questions become more and more difficult: the percentage of difficulty was determined beforehand by a panel representative of the French population.
During the program broadcast on November 18, the candidates and viewers had to confront a logical enigma that only 10% of French people would be able to solve: what is the number that replaces the question mark in the sequence of numbers 2, 10, 12, 17, 18, ?

So, have you found and are you one of the 10% capable of solving this logic riddle? If not, here is the answer. All the numbers in this sequence have the particularity of starting, in writing, with a “d”: two, ten, twelve, seventeen and eighteen. To solve the riddle, it was therefore necessary to say that the number hidden behind the question mark was the next one which begins with the letter “d”, that is to say 19 (nineteen).
Adapted from a British show, 100% logical is the hit game of the moment that is attracting viewers. The show was broadcast for the first time on September 24 and October 1, 2022. Only a few very occasional issues were ordered, but the audiences were there and made it possible to make the broadcast more regular. After a second successful broadcast last February and March, the game returned eight months later on France 2, with more and more spectators in attendance.
On November 11 and 18, there were 3.5 million faithful gathered to watch the show which has just returned to the TV program schedules. The second channel also did better than the Star Academy prime on November 11. The show can be seen every Saturday evening, at 9:10 p.m. on France 2.