One in ten young people neither works nor studies

One in ten young people neither works nor studies
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full screen Lena Nyberg, secretary general at the Norwegian Agency for Youth and Civil Society Affairs (MUCF). Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

A new report shows that over 100,000 young people sit at home during the day, without either a job or studies.

In total, there are 140,000 people between the ages of 16 and 29 who have neither worked nor studied for a full year, according to a report from the Agency for Youth and Civil Society Affairs (MUCF).

This means that close to every ten young people neither work nor study.

“All young people need to be given the opportunity to create a livelihood and establish themselves in the labor market. It is an important part of becoming an adult and having a life of your own. In addition to the personal suffering that long-term exclusion entails, it is associated with a large social economic cost,” says the authority’s director general Lena Nyberg in a comment.

The report also shows large differences between different municipalities. In the municipality with the lowest percentage, the figure was 4.8 percent and in the one with the highest percentage, the figure was 16.7 percent.

The fact that the municipalities’ statutory responsibility for persons over the age of 20 is limited and that some do more than is required by law is an explanation for the differences according to the MUCF. Only 22 percent of the municipalities work to reach out to young people over the age of 20.

According to the report, previous research has shown that it is more common to be outside of studies and work among young people who have not attended high school, who have a foreign background, who have disabilities, who suffer from mental illness or who become parents at a young age.
