The landlords’ demands: Want to raise the rents by around 10 percent

This year, the rent increase averaged just over four percent. Negotiations on next year’s rent increase have now begun.

Claims from the municipal housing companies in Nordvästskåne are so far between 8.77 and 11.5 percent.

Bjuvsbostäder has explained its need for a 14 percent increase in its income to cope with next year’s expected cost increases.

Not the whole bill

But Christofer Bernebring, CEO of Bjuvsbostäder, emphasizes that 14 percent is not a requirement or demand.

– Negotiations are now pending with the Tenants’ Association, where we also weigh the tenants’ situation in the context, he says.

The tenant association in Norra Skåne does not want to talk about concrete counter-proposals yet.

“Preferably zero kroner”

The rent negotiations are conducted between three parties – the Tenant’s Association, the municipal housing companies and the private property owners. If the parties cannot agree, the case ends up with the Rent Board (for the private sector) or the Rental Market Committee (for the municipal sector).

In the video above, tenant Irina Blénessy talks about why she does not want higher rent.
