Baste and Unna tjerush get money – can now sue the state

After Girja’s Sámi village won in court in January 2020 – and received the right to manage hunting and fishing in the mountains within its area – the state chose to appoint the Reindeer Committee to review the Reindeer Management Act.

The Renmarkskommittee’s proposed in its interim report that the state should still license small game hunting and fishing until 2025 – except when it concerns Sami villages that have won in court.

But the Sami villages of Unna tjerusj and Báste čearruut have been disappointed by it and in August they applied for money to sue the state.

Now the Sami radio reports that both Sami villages are granted SEK 500,000 each from the Sami fund.

The money will go towards costs for agents/lawyers and experts to complete the lawsuit against the state in order to have the right to decide on small game hunting and fishing in their Sami villages.
