Steam fall sale starts tonight with dollar-based prices

Steam fall sale starts tonight with dollar based prices

Steam The autumn sale, unfortunately, starts this evening with dollar-based prices. The discount period will be quite sad in this respect.

Steam fall sale, highlighted by the promotional video above, It will be held between 21 November at 21.00 CET and 28 November at 21.00 CET. The statement from the company on this subject is as follows: happened: “Steam Fall Sale will start tonight! Thousands of games will be on sale during the sale, and you’ll be able to nominate your favorite games for this year’s Steam Awards. Prepare your wish lists now and visit Steam on 21 November at 21.00 CET and 28 November at 21.00 CET to grab your games! The Steam Autumn Sale is also a great time to buy gifts for your friends, family members, enemies – basically everyone. You can gift not only games but also digital gift cards. After the discount starts Steam Awards nominations page Nominate a game in each category by going to (from the Steam homepage) or using event posts from developers you like. Participating events can be found on the library details page of the relevant game.”


Steam, If you missed it, in the past few hours, unfortunately, it took the step that greatly upset the players in Turkey and changed the game prices from Turkish lira to dollar. In this regard, the company stated the following in its statement: “We will make this change using two new pricing zones: “LATAM-USD” (this zone includes Argentina) and “MENA-USD” (this zone includes Turkey).

We recommend lower USD pricing in these new regions and we’ve updated the recommendations in our pricing tools to reflect this. List all countries/territories included in these new pricing zones Here you can find. Regional USD pricing will be used for the first time in 25 countries/regions in Latin America and the Middle East and North Africa.”

For MENA-USD pricing, which includes Turkey, the company “We recommend low USD pricing in these new regions.” but there was this very important warning: “If you do not add pricing in USD to these columns for your game before November 20th, We will default to your standard USD pricing on Steamworks.”

This is the part that looked bad for players in Turkey Because most game companies It was not expected to set a lower “MENA-USD” price specifically for Turkey. However, there was still hope in this regard, it was thought that the loss would be reduced through MENA-USD. Unfortunately, at the last stage, many companies MENA-USDHe didn’t use .
