PSG – Bordeaux: Paris wins in the indifference of the Park, the summary of the match

PSG Bordeaux Paris wins in the indifference of the

PSG-Bordeaux. After the huge disappointment of the Parisians in the Champions League, the Rouge et Bleu won (3-0) against the bottom side of Ligue 1 thanks to goals from Mbappé (24th), Neymar (52nd) and Paredes (61st). ). A logical victory in a dumb and angry Parc des Princes against the management of the capital club.

15:15 – The summary of the match

The game after. Severely punished in the Champions League by Real Madrid, Paris Saint-Germain received the Girondins de Bordeaux at the Parc des Princes on behalf of the 28th day of Ligue 1. In the midst of a hangover, Paris returned to Ligue 1 against at the red lantern of the championship in a heavy atmosphere. With the exception of Mbappé, all the Parisian players were whistled by the supporters when the team compositions were announced by the Paris announcer. Disoriented by the welcome from the Park, the Parisians got off to a shy start to the match against the sharp attacks from the Bordeaux players. Little by little, the Reds and Blues took possession of the ball and controlled the game. Before the half hour mark, Mbappé took advantage of a good pass from Wijnaldum to open the scoring (24th). After 45 minutes of play at a slow trot, Paris led by one goal at the break. On returning from the locker room Paris passed the second and the intensity went up a notch. Logically, Mauricio Pochettino’s men scored a second goal: on a service from Hakimi, Neymar deceived Poussin (52nd). A few minutes later, Paredes took a cold from the Bordeaux defense and found the net (61st). Final score (3-0), Paris inflicts a 14th defeat on Bordeaux in a Parc des Princes angry with the management and indifferent to the goals of his team.

15:12 – Mendes: “The best answer”

Paris Saint-Germain full-back Nuno Mendes also confided in the mixed zone after the final whistle: “We had a good match with good team play in a particular context. We couldn’t Responding directly to the fans, what we had to do was just do our job and play a good game at home. That’s the best answer.”

15:08 – Kimpembe: “Stay united”

After Gaëtan Poussin, the central defender of PSG confided in Prime Video after the final whistle of PSG – Bordeaux: “We understand their disappointment, their hatred and their cries. We have to raise our heads to win the championship, c “That’s our goal. We’re all at fault, we’re all together. It’s time to stick together, even if it’s hard.”

15:03 – Poussin: “Positive things to remember”

After the final whistle of this PSG – Bordeaux, the Girondins goalkeeper gave his impressions at the microphone of Amazon Prime: “I think we had a good start to the match. After in the second period we missed a little energy. We lack accuracy in the last pass and efficiency in front of goal. There are still positive things to take away from this game. We had a game plan and we stuck to it, we fished in the finish.”

14:56 – Logical victory for the Parisians

Paris finally won (3-0) thanks to goals from Mbappé (24th), Neymar (52nd) and Paredes (61st). Les Rouge et Bleu returned to winning ways against the bottom of the championship in a silent and angry Parc des Princes. Opposite the Girondins lacked efficiency in the last gesture, 14th defeat of the season for Bordeaux which remains last in the championship.

14:53 – ⌛ Card of Paris Saint-Germain on his lawn (3-0)

The final score is in favor of Paris Saint-Germain (3-0) but the Parisians are doing well, if we are to believe some figures. Indeed, Paris Saint-Germain certainly also had the advantage in terms of possession of the ball (57%-43%) but on the other hand framed fewer shots than their opponents (3 against 6).

14:48 – Messi tries to find Mbappé

Long, well-balanced ball from the Argentinian to Mbappé in the box. Poussin intervenes in front of the French international and captures the ball.

14:47 – Two new changes in this PSG – Bordeaux

Two new changes for PSG coach Mauricio Pochettino: Draxler and Kehrer replace Wijnaldum and Hakimi.

14:43 – Messi’s post!

Messi eliminates his vis-à-vis and accelerates full axis and goes to goal. His shot from the inside of the foot crashes into the left post of Gaëtan Poussin. No success for the Argentinian.

14:41 – First Parisian change in this PSG – Bordeaux

Paris Saint-Germain coach Mauricio Pochettino makes his first change: Nuno Medes is replaced by Abdou Diallo.

14:39 – New changes in this PSG – Bordeaux

New changes for the Girondins coach, David Guion, in this PSG – Bordeaux: Adli and Hwang are replaced by Niang and Dilrosun.

14:36 ​​- Hakimi’s strike!

After a long phase of possession, the leather finally arrives on Hakimi who tries his luck from 25 meters. The Moroccan international’s attempt flirts with Gaëtan Poussin’s skylight.

14:33 – Parisian supporters still silent

As since the kickoff of the meeting, the PSG players play in the most total indifference on the part of the turns. It is the supporters of the Girondins de Bordeaux that we hear today at the Parc des Princes.

2:30 p.m. – The pace has gone down a notch

After the third goal of this PSG – Bordeaux, the intensity dropped a notch. The Parisians spin the ball quietly without conviction. Opposite, the Bordelais seem to accept the score without flinching.

14:27 – First changes in this PSG – Bordeaux

David Guion makes his first three changes in the last half hour of this PSG – Bordeaux: Oudin, Elis and Onana are replaced by Mensah, Mara, Ignatenko.

14:26 – Messi strike!

Paredes finds his Argentine compatriot in the axis. La Pulga carries the ball and attempts a curling shot from the left. His attempt flees the frame and does not worry Poussin.

2:22 p.m. – And 3 for PSG!

New goal for Paris in this PSG – Bordeaux. Messi inherits the ball at the far post and finds Mbappé. The strike of the French is countered, the leather returns to Paredes. The Argentinian pretends to hit and catches two Bordeaux defenders before deceiving Poussin with a shot into the top corner. Superb goal from the Parisian midfielder.

14:19 – ⚽ New goal signed Leandro Paredes for Paris Saint-Germain (3-0)!

We are 3-0 in this PSG – Bordeaux! Leandro Paredes shines in the 61st minute of play of this 2nd half and pushes the Bordeaux people a little further!

14:17 – VAR sees no foul

After consulting the video for a contentious gesture in the area, Francois Letexier makes his final decision: nothing justifies a penalty in favor of Paris Saint-Germain.

2:16 p.m. – Video arbitration in progress for a foul in the box!

The game is stopped in Paris: Francois Letexier hesitates to whistle a penalty for Paris Saint-Germain after a contentious gesture in the box and calls on his colleagues from the video.

14:13 – Fifth goal in Ligue 1 for Neymar

Perfect laser pass from Messi to find Hakimi in the box. The Parisian side crosses low to the ground for Neymar who takes the best of Gaëtan Poussin. Paris leads (2-0).

14:10 – ⚽ Second goal for Paris Saint-Germain (2-0)!

Neymar scored the second goal for Paris Saint-Germain, who therefore doubled their lead in the 52nd minute in this 2nd half, at the Parc des Princes. The people of Bordeaux must now react now!

14:08 – More intensity in this PSG – Bordeaux

The Parisians entered the lawn of the Parc des Princes with more determination than in the first act. What let us predict a second period livelier than the first 45 minutes.

14:04 – Paris must do better

The Parisians will have to do better in this second act to put a little madness in this meeting and try to reconcile with their public. Les Rouge et Bleu lacked conviction and play in the first period.

14:04 – Start of the 2nd period

The kick-off of the 2nd half was given by Francois Letexier, in Paris. The score is 1-0.
