"Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the war continues…" : our readers react to the news

quotMeanwhile in Ukraine the war continues…quot our readers react

One war must not hide another

Damien Desserre, Saint-Pierre-des-Corps (Indre-et-Loire)

Since October 7, the day of the Hamas terrorist attack against Israel, all eyes have been on the situation in the Middle East. However, in the meantime, in Ukraine, the war continues to rage. May the West not lose interest in this conflict, nor even end up reducing its aid. Because, it must be remembered, the fate of all Europeans is linked to that of Ukraine. (“Olena Zelenska: ‘We must not forget Ukraine!'”L’Express of November 9).

Amnesty International’s omissions

Marie-Hélène Pettinotti, Chamalières (Puy-de-Dôme)

A donor to Amnesty International since the 1980s, I have been asking myself questions for over a year. Some comments made me uncomfortable. Too many omissions or “kindness” with certain diets and too much noise around my country. Your article enlightened me. Thank you. (“When Amnesty International doesn’t know how to call a spade a spade”L’Express of November 9).

Anti-Semitism: the masks fall

Lucie Kowalski, Bordeaux (Gironde)

Obviously, there will be no political follow-up to the Republican march of November 12, but it will at least have helped to clarify things. Let us look at who the detractors were: those who denounce a fantasized “Islamophobia” are those who embody racism and anti-Semitism that could not be more real and uninhibited. LFI has become the point of convergence between the new extreme right – that which has made anti-Zionism its hobby horse – and the vestiges of the old extreme right inherited from Vichyism. As for the notable absence of Emmanuel Macron, it is in line with the political cowardice and cynicism he has always demonstrated: if he undoubtedly does not share the racist, anti-Semitic and criminal ideology of Hamas sympathizers, he knows full well that he cannot win any election without their political, media and electoral support. (“March against anti-Semitism: Mélenchon and Le Pen, the great historical reversal“, on Lexpress.fr).

Anti-Semitism: the weight of Islam

Jean-Louis Bottero, Nice (Alpes-Maritimes)

If anti-Semites are unfortunately recruited from all parts of society, the fact that 6 to 8 million inhabitants of our country are of the Muslim faith has a lot to do with it. It is important to understand: in Islam, spiritual and temporal powers merge. Therefore, the fact that the State of Israel is led by Jews is analyzed by certain Muslims as a Jewish political temporality, hence an amalgamation between Jew and Zionist and the vision of every Jew as an enemy of Palestine. This parameter is not sufficiently integrated into the thoughts of French society and this is also why secularism is not generally accepted in the Muslim community. (“Anti-Semitism: twenty years of silence, what now? L’Express of November 9)

Let’s reread Aragon!

Michel Loingeville, Ver-sur-Launette (Oise)

At a time when certain leaders are explaining their reasons for not demonstrating against anti-Semitism, it is good to remind them of these verses from Aragon, written in 1943 (The Rose and the Reseda): “When the wheat is under the hail/Fool who acts delicate/Fool who thinks of his quarrels/At the heart of the common fight”… (“March against anti-Semitism: the absence of the Insoumis, the unease within the Nupes“, on Lexpress.fr).

IVG and respect for life

Christopher Wayte, Bath (UK)

The article on abortion seems to me to contain an obvious error. You mention “these principles which give meaning to our humanity, respect for life in all circumstances and the right not to give birth against one’s will”. Unfortunately, this is not true. IVG does not respect the lives of unborn children. (“Abortion in the Constitution: a political symbol“, L’Express of November 2).

Will technology save the climate?

While the prospect of containing global warming to 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial period set by the Paris agreements grows further away every day, should we turn to geoengineering to reduce large-scale scale the effects of humanity’s pressure on the environment? Long considered the work of apprentice sorcerers, these technologies manipulating the Earth’s climate and environment are beginning to be looked at more closely. Cloud seeding, carbon filtration, modification of ocean chemistry: how can we distinguish the most reasonable solutions from the craziest? A few days before COP 28 which will be held in Dubai (United Arab Emirates), find on the central pages our thematic notebook dedicated to this major subject.
