Hundreds of OpenAI employees threaten to leave if board does not resign

Hundreds of OpenAI employees threaten to leave if board does

OpenAI, one of the American flagships of the artificial intelligence sector, is still in turmoil. After the ouster of founder and president Sam Altman, the vast majority of employees are threatening to leave as well.

1 min

With our correspondent in Washington, Guillaume Naudin

This Monday, in a letter to the company’s board, 700 of OpenAI’s 770 employees threatened to slam the company’s door if Sam Altman was not reinstated and if the council members did not resign.

Among the signatories, we find in particular one of the four members of the governing body, who, in fact, therefore calls for his own resignation, saying he regrets his decision.

The problem is that Sam Altman, one of the most prominent figures in Silicon Valley, has already found a base at Microsoft. Monday, Satya Nadella, general manager of Microsoft, minority shareholder of OpenAI, announced, on other collaborators (…) to lead a new research team in AI”.

Microsoft’s goal is to have this team work in a tailor-made laboratory. Artificial intelligence is the development area of ​​the moment, calling for redefining the sector.

As for OpenAI, Sam Altman’s successor announced an investigation into the conditions of his predecessor’s ouster. OpenAI employees have already decided that if the artificial intelligence specialist is on the verge of becoming an empty shell, it is because of the natural stupidity of its managers.

Read alsoSam Altman fired from OpenAI: “He wanted to make artificial intelligence a real business”
