A surprise in the presidential election of the Gymnastics Association – these are Mira Keränen’s theses for correcting the course after the uproar

A surprise in the presidential election of the Gymnastics Association

Mira Keränen, 36, has been a member of the association’s board since last year. He is the world champion of competitive aerobics, European champion and four-time Finnish champion.

Riku Porvari,

Riikka Smolander-Slotte

Former aerobics world champion Mira Keränen was elected as the new chairman of the Gymnastics Association at the fall meeting organized in Tampere on Saturday.

In the vote, Keränen defeated the 63-year-old candidate of the nomination committee, who had led the union for six years Kaisa Vikkulan by a vote of 153–100.

– With a humble and enthusiastic mood, I start in a new responsible position. I believe that the desire to renew and the union’s ability to renew decided the vote. It is very important that there was a competition for the place. I hope that in the future, different candidates will participate in different positions of responsibility, says Keränen.

The 36-year-old Keränen has been a member of the association’s board since last year. He works as a leading expert at the Immigration Office.

Keränen is a four-time Finnish champion of competitive aerobics in the individual series. In addition, he is a World Championship and European Championship gold medalist in the group series.

When applying for the position of chairman, Keränen said his goals were to develop a more open operating culture in the Gymnastics Association, to strengthen the vitality of the clubs through cooperation, and to strengthen the social status of the sport by acting as an opener of discussion even in difficult matters.

– We need more reception and openness. We have to tell you what we do in relation to decision-making or other work of the association, and we have to actively discuss it with the clubs. When responsibility must be borne, it must be borne from the front.

The gymnastics association has been the target of unpleasant things in recent years. Among other things, the responsibility issues of rhythmic gymnastics have been talked about. Keränen says that in terms of responsibility, the role of the chairman, the board and the entire sports field is huge.

– First, let’s work on these current issues. I hope that three years from now we would be at the forefront of the pioneers in society, and not reacting to needs or grievances that come from the outside, says Keränen.

A clear message from the clubs about the desire for change

Executive Director of the Gymnastics Association Maria Laakso states that it was important for the union that the clubs voted for what they wanted.

– There was a clear message that we hope for change. The last year of the current strategy is now underway. There is still work to be done in closing this strategic period. At the same time, we are already starting to build a new four- or six-year season. There is an opportunity to influence the big lines and the situation of our society is taken into account, says Laakso.

According to him, the union should continue to develop its responsibility work.

– We have been doing it for a long time and purposefully. In many matters, we have already been able to move things forward nicely with the clubs, and my hope is that we can bring those positive things to the fore as well.

Gymnastics club SC Vantaa vice president Mika Hänninen is one of those who wanted a change. He is also a member of the Finnish Gymnastics Federation’s change work group.

Hänninen believes that the new chairman of the board will help correct the damage to the reputation that gymnastics has suffered in recent years. According to him, the change enables the building of a new gymnastics atmosphere.

– Transparency is extremely important for us to achieve change on a large scale. We need to be able to discuss things without anyone having to fear because of their own role if they want to give some sort of critical or different view, says Hänninen.
