“Wish I had prioritized myself”

– I wish I had prioritized myself a little more. It was a bit like a slap in the face, that I wasn’t feeling so well. That’s what track and field athlete Bianca Salming says about the time after the death of her father, hockey legend Börje Salming.

When Börje Salming passed away, many people turned to his daughter, the track and field athlete Bianca Salming, who herself was deeply saddened.

-I miss him every day. I love my father and like to talk about him, but sometimes the cup overflows, she says in Nyhetsmorgon.

Want to motivate others to exercise

These days she is releasing a book about exercise, with the aim of helping people set a goal and find motivation. She herself loves training and has never had a problem with the drive – but believes that the solution for those who do not have the same drive is to find the joy, and the answer to why you want to train. And to put it in print.

– As soon as you write down your thoughts, it is more likely to happen, she says.

Enjoys hard training

In addition to the book release, most of the time is currently spent in the training hall, where she trains hard for strength and speed ahead of the upcoming Olympics.
– It is the best and worst period right now. The basic period when we train the most, and I enjoy the most, she says.

And how does she describe her genetic heritage?
– The Salming gene is that you have an incredible will to get somewhere and that you are genuine, she says.

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Today 11:45

Bianca Salming releases training diary: “Must know why you train”
