Odessa sang peace – the port city is preparing for the arrival of refugees

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

The Open Sky concert in Odessa on Saturday called for a no-fly zone over Ukraine and an immediate end to fighting.

13.3. 11:18 • Updated March 13. 11:18

The port city of Odessa has so far been spared a large-scale war.

However, the strategically important Black Sea port is of military interest to Russia because of its location. Through it, Russia would have a corridor from the Crimean peninsula to Moldova.

So far, the townspeople are focusing on helping their compatriots who have fled under fire.

The choir and orchestra of the Odessa Opera House hoped for a no-fly zone over Ukraine at yesterday’s peace concert.

– This is the only way musicians can get their message across to NATO. I don’t know if there will be a lock or not, but at least we’ll be heard, says the conductor Igor Chernetski. According to the conductor, the spirit of the city is very patriotic and defensive.

Ukraine has become volunteers for relief work from neighboring countries such as Poland. Optional Alexander Babich says some pro-Russia frightened and departed.

– It is a different matter to praise the “Russian world” anonymously and a different matter to accept the “Russian world”. Those who supported Russia had no intention of being bombed. Those who remained neutral saw what was happening in Sumy, Mariupol and Kharkiv. They grabbed guns and built locks on the road. Everyone is defending their homeland, Alexander Babich explains.

Odessa, with a population of almost one million, is the third largest city in Ukraine.
