Prime Minister’s Question Time | SVT News

09.00 Who will pay the price for the care of the elderly?

An aging population leads to increased pressure on welfare in a situation where funding is already under severe pressure. How should the relatives’ unpaid care work be financed? Minister for the Elderly and Social Insurance Anna Tenje (M) comments on a new report. Organizer: SNS. From 24/10.

10.15 Gang crime in the EU

Gang violence in Sweden has a clear connection to Europe and needs to be combated at EU level. EU parliamentarians Heléne Fritzon (S) and Sara Skyttedal (KD), on how the fight against the gangs must succeed. Program manager: Marcus Carlehed. From 7/11.

10.35 Rare metals – great power politics and security challenges

Society’s technological and green development depends on rare metals. What strategies do major powers such as China, the US and the EU have to secure access to these metals? And what is the situation for people who extract them? Organiser: People and Defence. From 2/10.

12.00 Report12.03 Extremism within the defense and student unions LIVE

Interpellation debates in the Riksdag. Ministers answer the written questions submitted in advance by members of the Riksdag.

14.00 Prime Minister’s Question Time LIVE

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson (M) answers the members of parliament’s questions directly in the chamber.

15.10 The forest in the EU – what needs to change?

From the national forest program’s annual conference 3/10. Main organizer: The Norwegian Forest Service.

16.00 Report 16.05 Happened today

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