Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is Free at Epic Games

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is Free at Epic

Developed by Rocksteady Studios and soon to be published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League Epic Games is also available for pre-order. Surprisingly, pre-ordering the game can be done for free. This situation quickly became a hot topic in our country’s gaming industry. Because the international price of the game is around 100 dollars. Many gamers have already ordered the game.

Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is Free at Epic Games

Starting in the evening today (Wednesday, November 15); There was a remarkable development in the Epic Games Store. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, one of the Batman: Arkham series games expected to be released next year, can be ordered free of charge on the platform. When the Standard and Digital Deluxe Edition of the game began to appear for free, many The player can instantly pass the order started.

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It was not clear whether this was due to an error or a short-term campaign provided by Epic Games. Many players who pre-ordered for free began to wait excitedly. Released as of February 2, 2024 It has been a matter of curiosity whether the game will be given to those who order it for free from the Epic Games Store.

The game is currently closed for pre-order on Steam; The price in Steam America is 70 dollars (Standard) and $100 (Digital Deluxe Edition) It looks like. This means that there is a very attractive opportunity for players who get the game for free. However, there are also many players who predict that orders will be canceled and that the situation is due to an error…

What Did the Players Say?

After the situation became a hot topic in game forums and social media in a short time, thousands of gamers were about to order the game. To Epic Games Store flocked. After the orders were placed, the “free” status of the game was removed, and then the warning “This content is not currently available on your platform or region” began to appear on the relevant page. To take a look at some of the players’ comments about the situation:

“I bought it immediately, if they want it back I won’t give it back. The goods given cannot be taken back, the goods taken cannot be given back. Let it be your gift, it’s no big deal, it’s big. Epic Games After all…”

1700084268 543 Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is Free at Epic

“We’ve got it, let’s see if we’ll have the chance to play..? The stressful wait has begun. “I hope they don’t remove it.”

“I bought it for free, but now I went in and looked. to my library, “You can’t click on the game, I think they pulled it back.”

As can be seen from the latest comments, get the game for free Even though there are thousands of gamers, Epic Games may see this as a mistake and probably delete Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League, which is available for free from libraries.
