Emma lost her home in the fire: “Everything is gone”

– It was at 3 o’clock in the morning that a policeman called me and told me that there was a fire and that they had taken my cat out of the apartment, says Emma Pettersson, who was at a conference the night the fire broke out.

14 apartments are uninhabitable after the fire. The attic of the house that suffered the worst was completely destroyed, but possibly some things can be saved on the ground floor. This is the opinion of Marianne Moberg Norell, housing social coordinator at the housing company Kopparstaden, who is now working intensively to find new homes for those affected.

– We want the children who lived here to be able to continue in their schools, but it is not so easy to find something nearby. We have some evacuation apartments that we can offer, says Marianne Moberg Norell.

Moved temporarily to mom

Emma Pettersson and her cat have temporarily moved to Emma’s mother in another place, but she is looking for other temporary accommodation.

– The insurance company can help financially if I find something temporary. But it’s hard when I have a cat. I’m not going to leave him now that we’ve been through this, says Emma Pettersson.

There are many people in the area who have stepped up and are now supporting their neighbors who suddenly lost their homes.

– We have neighbors and people who have contacted us about how they can help. Neighbors have come with bags of clothes for children. People stand up for each other in times of crisis like this. It really feels good, says Marianne Moberg Norell.
