Will All This Effort Go to Waste?

Will All This Effort Go to Waste

Increases in game prices, TL not being accepted as a payment method, PlayStation’s withdrawal from the country… “Will all these years of effort be in vain?” We can’t help but ask.

The difficulties faced by game lovers in Turkey have become more evident, especially with the recent fluctuations in foreign currency and increases in game prices on digital platforms such as Steam. At a time when calls to “use the original game” over the years have begun to yield results, these developments are a great disappointment for Turkish players.

Will Turkish Players Turn to Pirated Games?

These economic changes in the digital game industry may negatively affect Turkish players and change their game purchasing habits. Increasing game prices may lead players to alternative methods and increase the use of pirated games. Because many players may not be able to access original games due to high prices.

Another danger is the decrease in games offering Turkish language support. The Turkish market is becoming less attractive for game manufacturers due to fluctuations in exchange rates and decline in sales. This will lead to a decrease in the number of games offering Turkish language support. Turkish players’ opportunities to play games in their own language may decrease, which will negatively affect our gaming experience.

Sony’s withdrawal from the Turkish market is another factor that reinforces these dangers. This situation may reduce the interest of other large gaming companies in the Turkish market. This means a big loss for the Turkish gaming industry.

To overcome this situation, the Turkish gaming industry needs to develop some strategies. Supporting local game developers can strengthen the game market in Turkey and make local games more prominent. Additionally, adjusting game prices to suit the local economy can make games accessible to a wider audience.

On the other hand, these difficulties faced by Turkish players may also negatively affect the development of the local gaming industry. However, solutions such as supporting local game developers and adapting game prices to local economic conditions will be very useful in overcoming these difficulties. These solutions will support the growth and development of the Turkish gaming industry and improve the gaming experiences of Turkish players.

In order for the gaming industry in Turkey to grow sustainably, public and private sector collaborations, as well as supporting local game developers and publishers, are of great importance. These collaborations will help local game developers with financial support, training and marketing, thus increasing the international competitiveness of the Turkish gaming industry.

In addition, strengthening gaming communities and player groups in Turkey, raising awareness among players, organizing awareness campaigns about the harms of using pirated games, and encouraging the use of original games are a critical step to overcome these problems.

As a result, the current challenges faced by the gaming industry in Turkey require players in the industry to act together and implement various solutions. Supporting local game developers, education and awareness efforts, international collaborations and reviewing pricing policies can help the Turkish gaming industry overcome these challenges. These steps will ensure the development and growth of the gaming industry in Turkey, providing a better gaming experience for Turkish players.
