It’s extremely cold right now – could get worse

Now the cold is expected to move in.
Early on Monday, the lowest temperatures of the season were measured in the northernmost parts of Sweden – and now the high pressure is expected to remain during the week.
– It is extremely cold, says TV4’s meteorologist Ingrid Eronn.

After a period of occasionally warm temperatures and rain, temperatures are now expected to drop in large parts of Sweden. Mainly in the northernmost parts of Norrland, the temperature is expected to drop significantly when a high pressure moves in.

According to TV4’s meteorologist Ingrid Eronn, the temperatures are very low for this time in November, compared to previous years.

– It is extremely cold, says TV4’s meteorologist Ingrid Eronn.

Extreme cold up in the north

During the night to Monday, the season’s lowest temperatures were measured far up north – when it was minus 27.8 degrees in Nikkaluokta. Frost and freezing temperatures were also measured all the way down to the more southern parts of Sweden.

– Already tonight, we can see that the cold record can be broken as it can be almost minus 32 degrees in the northernmost parts of the country.

During the night towards Tuesday, another cold night is expected with sub-zero temperatures down to parts of Götaland.

The high pressure eases this weekend

According to Ingrid Eronn, the low temperatures are expected to last for large parts of the week, when Tuesday and Wednesday are expected to be clear but also very cold.

On Thursday, it can turn around – and it will be slightly warmer when the clouds move in.

– Towards the end of the week, there will be some clouds and the high pressure will ease, she says.
