Salaries anchored to the cost of living: the League’s proposal

DBA approves the first sustainability report

(Finance) – Calibrating salaries based on the cost of living: this is the proposal put forward by the League to give second level bargaining, both territorial and company, the possibility of using this too cost of living parameterin addition to the other parameters already provided for by law, in definition of economic treatments of public and private employees.

The League’s decree was announced Massimiliano Romeo, group leader of the Northern League at Palazzo Madama. “Clearly, the principle of equal pay does not disappear“, assured the senator, adding “let’s talk about additional economic treatmentswhich can be recognized to employees, also evaluating the different impact that the increase in the costs of essential goods has on citizens, as can be seen from the Istat indices”.

“Think about big cities, Where inflation has different effects compared to other areas of our country”, the senator recalled, explaining, “with this rule we are introducing a new element, attributing to workers awith a differentiated sum based on the place where the company is basedproviding private employers with a tax credit to cover the expenses incurred”.

The reaction of the i was immediate unions that they do not welcome the proposalspeaking of “wage cages” and an attack on the representative function of the unions, but also of a proposal that discriminates against the South of Italy. “The South is already discriminated against by levels of unemployment, by deindustrialisation, by the weakness of networks and infrastructures, by healthcare and services which will suffer further cuts. – he states – states Francesca King David, confederal secretary of the CGIL – This bill is a further motivation for the strikes proclaimed together with Uil” and “we will thwart him with all the tools at our disposal.”

Cgil and Uil together announced a mobilization starting November 17th next, “to raise wages, to extend rights and to counter a budget law that does not stop the dramatic impoverishment of workers, male and female pensioners and does not offer a future to young people”. The mobilization will start from the Central Regions with the demonstration in Rome in Piazza del Popolo, where the general secretaries of CGIL and UIL Maurizio Landini and Pierpaolo Bombardieri will intervene. Sicily will go on strike on November 20th, while Sardinia will strike on Monday November 27th. Friday 24 November will be the turn of the Northern Regions, to conclude on Friday 1 December with the Southern Regions.
