Roundworm: symptoms, how to get rid of these worms?

Roundworm symptoms how to get rid of these worms

Ascariasis is a parasitic disease caused by the roundworm worm. Roundworms first travel to the lungs, passing through the liver.

Ascariasis is a parasitic disease caused by the roundworm worm. Uncommon In Franceshe touches more children or people returning from a trip. With early and appropriate treatment, complications are rare. Prevention of contamination is possible through basic hygiene measures.

Definition: what is roundworm?

The roundworm is a parasiteA roundworm may be responsible for ascariasis, a parasitic disease. “Contamination occurs through ingestion of fertilized eggs invisible to the naked eye, explains Doctor Sophie Bauer, president of the Union of Liberal Doctors (SML). These eggs measure 70 by 40 microns and take two to three months to produce worms in the body. Roundworms go first to the lung, pass into the trachea then migrate towards the esophagusto complete their course in the digestive tract.” This disease is more present in exotic countries. Indeed, the worm likes heat, humidity and its development is favored by a lack of hygiene.

“The roundworm worm is transmitted by eating poorly washed fruits and vegetables”

“The roundworm worm is transmitted through the consumption of poorly washed fruits and vegetables or through hands that have touched soil or contaminated foods. Roundworm eggs come from animal stools or contaminated human excrement. worms can also infest pigs; this is how the disease can be transmitted by ingestion of food contaminated by excrement.” Ascariasis is relatively rare in France. The most common form of ascariasis is that transmitted through healthy carriers who forget to wash their hands. This worm remains in the body and can grow massively. “Either the disease comes from a lack of hygiene, or from a problem in the food chain, which is not supposed to happen in France given the rigor of health controls,” declares the doctor.

What are the symptoms ?

As said previously, roundworms first travel to the lungs, passing through the liver. That is why one of the early symptoms is cough. “This cough is dry and unpleasant. Diffuse allergy phenomena can also occur.” Sometimes, this dry cough is accompanied by light clear sputum. At the digestive level, the symptoms are diarrhea and abdominal pain. The people most affected by ascariasis are children aged 5 to 14. The diagnosis is made by means of a blood test or a parasitological examination of the stools, in which biologists find the eggs.

A massive and untreated infestation can lead to the appearance of intestinal obstruction

What are the dangers ?

With appropriate treatment, complications of ascariasis are rare, especially in France. However, a massive infestation and untreated can lead to the development of intestinal obstruction, because feces can no longer progress properly through the intestines. “These parasites can cause appendicular flare-ups (acute appendicitis). accumulation of worms in the pancreas, the risk is pancreatitis. Infestation in the liver and the vesicle can cause acute cholecystitis or hepatic colic.” In summary, digestive and biliary forms are at greater risk of complications.

Treatment of the pulmonary form is symptomatic treatment. In case of pulmonary allergy, inhalers are necessary. “THE Classic dewormer is not very effective on roundworms. The standard treatment for the intestinal form is an antiparasitic treatment, the best known of which is ivermectin. Other medications may be offered depending on the patient’s age. In the event of intestinal obstruction or bile duct obstruction, for example, surgical treatment should be considered.” When treatment is given on time, it is strongly recommended to respect the dosage prescribed by the doctor (3 days of treatment on average), even if complications are extremely rare in our country.

If the child coughs, feels tired or unwell, it is best to make a medical appointment.

Finally, as children are significantly more affected than adults, if you have the slightest doubt, you should consult your doctor. If the child coughs, feels tired or unwell, it is best to make a medical appointment. “Cases of importation are possible, ascariasis is not always caused by a lack of hygiene. However, the first step in preventing ascariasis remains hand hygiene” concludes our doctor.

Thanks to Doctor Sophie Bauer, thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon, President of the Union of Liberal Doctors (SML).
