Fall blues: the 3 essential oils to use right now

Fall blues the 3 essential oils to use right now

In autumn and more than ever, you need to pamper yourself and take care of your mind. Three essential oils are particularly recommended this season.

Autumn is a season that invites to slow down the pace and to multiply the moments for yourself. Conducive to well-being and relaxation, essential oils are true allies for the body and mental health. Sophie Benabi, expert in Ayurvedic medicine, gives us its 3 essentials.

Lavender Essential Oil to relax quickly

Lavender is undoubtedly the flagship Essential Oil of autumn. In diffusion in the room or by applying 3-4 drops on the solar plexus (under the sternum), the inside of the wrist or the arch of the plantar, it has a calming action and acts against fatigue. Our expert recommends using it for massages: “fall is the ideal season for self-massage for 10 to 15 minutes because our skin is drier and our tissues are more fragile. To massage, we use hot vegetable oil that we heat in a bain-marie or using an oil heater. For example, we can choose to sesame oil (it is the flagship vegetable oil of autumn but it is not suitable for people who have digestion problems or those who have a very heavy tongue in the morning), rose oil or grape seed to which we add 5 drops of Lavender essential oil. If we don’t have time, we prefer key areas in autumn like the feet, knee joints, digestive system with the navel, ears and temples“, explains our expert in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s a great relaxer for overworked muscles. Please note, it is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 3 months and in cases of severe hypotension.

Chamomile Essential Oil to let go (and sleep better)

Equipped with a relaxing action, Roman Chamomile Essential Oil is particularly suitable for fall, which can quickly be an anxious and stressful season. This HE is calming And regulator of the nervous system. It is ideal for people prone to to insomnia. “For example, inhaling it (directly above the bottle) just before sleeping helps you fall asleep.“, advises our expert. Anti-inflammatory, this essential oil also has benefits on heartburn, a relatively common symptom in autumn. It is not recommended during the first three months of pregnancy and in children under 3 years old.

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil calms the nervous system

“The little recommendation that I like to give is tosmell a little Ylang-Ylang essential oil (respecting the contraindications) to soothe your mind“, confides our interlocutor. Ylang-Ylang is an essential oil called balancing : she allows to easily calm the nervous system and of fight against the blues. Ylang-Ylang also has antispasmodic properties and facilitates “digestion which can be a little more capricious in autumn” warns our expert. Warning: it should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, nor in children under 3 years old. At too high a dose, it can cause headaches and nausea.
