Hamas-Israel war: the moment of truth for the IDF – L’Express

Hamas Israel war the moment of truth for the IDF –

In this episode of La Loupe, Corentin Pennarguear, Paul Véronique and Clément Daniez, journalists in the World department of L’Express, explain everything about the military intervention of the Israeli army in the Palestinian enclave of Gaza.


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The team: Charlotte Baris (presentation and writing), Mathias Penguilly (editing), Jules Krot (production)

Music and design: Emmanuel Herschon/Studio Torrent

Credits: Europe 1, France Info, The Telegraph

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain/Benjamin Chazal

How to listen to a podcast? Follow the leader.

Charlotte Baris: In the days following the Hamas attacks on October 7, an expression emerged to describe the importance of the event. An Israeli September 11th. Firstly by the scale of the human toll: 1,400 people killed by members of the terrorist group in a few hours. Isaac Herzog, the president of Israel, insists, “never have so many Jews been killed in a single day since the Holocaust.”

Then, by the effect produced on the whole country: after the shock and the emotion, an entire nation united against a common enemy.

Finally, by the response to this trauma. Now, many Israelis are demanding revenge, as was the case in 2001 in the United States. And as for the United States, the military response was not long in coming. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has promised that the full power of the army will be used to destroy Hamas…

A month later, the intervention began, will the rest resemble the American experience after September 11?

Tragedy of October 7: the Wake up Call! By Jean-François Copé

General HR McMaster: “Iran is behind everything that happens in the Middle East”

Israel – Hamas war: in Gaza, the hell of the tunnels
