With this treatment, aging can be delayed

With this treatment aging can be delayed

When people reach a certain age, the effects of aging become visible. Although aging is seen as aesthetic from the outside, it also affects body health and life activities. Unhealthy diet and harmful habits at a young age accelerate aging. Aesthetic operations with the developing technology can reduce the appearance of old age. However, the society wants effective solutions to be healthier and prevent age-related diseases. In this direction, rejuvenation of tissues was achieved in the application of gene therapy on middle-aged mice.


According to the news of Akşam, scientists in the USA applied a new gene therapy to healthy mice. In this way, tissue rejuvenation was achieved in ‘middle-aged’ mice. Researcher Heinrich Jasper said that this approach can be used in the treatment of many age-related diseases. Although it is not easy to apply the method in humans yet, it is emphasized that delaying aging may be beneficial in the treatment of diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s or glass bone disease. An aging biologist, Dr. “In theory it might be possible to reverse biological age, but we’re at an early stage to understand the basic science behind it,” said Tamir Chandra.
