Bungie bans the largest German Twitch streamer for Destiny 2 – He loses 80% of his viewers

In July 2023, Bungie banned the largest German-speaking Twitch streamer for Destiny 2: Luis, known as Lachegga, was banned from Destiny 2 because of toxic comments. He himself believes that these reasons are fake. He was banned because he openly criticized Bungie. Although Luis still streams as much as he used to, his viewership on Twitch has shrunk significantly over the last 90 days.

Who is Luis on Twitch?

  • The Twitch streamer and YouTuber Luis, known as Lachegga, has been active on Twitch since 2013.
  • He has always been an active streamer of Destiny: Back in 2016 he showed 141 hours of Destiny, but he hardly had any viewers back then, instead streaming to an average of 1 viewer.
  • Over the years, however, his channel grew and many other German Destiny 2 streamers stopped: At the time of his ban in July 2023, Luis was the German Twitch streamer with the most viewers. As of May 2023, it had 140 viewers and 18,748 hours watched.
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    Ban from Destiny 2 causes viewership to collapse

    This is how his viewership developed after the ban? After being banned from Destiny 2, Luis mainly showed Valorant on Twitch, but was able to reach far fewer viewers with Riot’s Shooter than before with Destiny 2:

  • His average viewers fell from 106 to 19 – a decrease of 82.1%
  • He was on air for almost as many hours as in the previous 90 days
  • The fact that people want to see him in Destiny is shown by an attempt to play Destiny 1, where an average of 94 people watched him
  • Permanent ban from Destiny 2 for toxic behavior

    Why was he banned?? As Bungie even detailed in a tweet, Luis was banned for “ongoing violations of the Code of Conduct, particularly regarding harassment of players, other creators and Bungie employees.”

    The ban will not be lifted either.

    This is what Luis says about the ban: The German creator believes this reason is fake. Nobody in Bungie’s history has ever been banned for in-game toxicity.

    With this ban, Bungie is simply getting rid of annoying critics.

    Successful with hatred – but you still have to show the game

    This is what lies behind it: It is common knowledge that some streamers become heavily attached to a single game and lose viewers when they change games or the game loses popularity.

    Luis’ example is interesting because he has long been characterized by a critical attitude towards Destiny: Although he didn’t speak well of Bungie and Destiny, he was still relatively successful with Destiny’s content. People watched him play Destiny, especially in PvP, even though or because he continually criticized the game.

    Apparently people also liked it when Luis was upset about “Destiny pensioners” or weak PvP players.

    One might have assumed that Twitch viewers who are so critical of Destiny would stick with the critic, even if he was showing a different game. But apparently it’s necessary to show the game in gameplay that you judge so poorly in order to keep your viewers.

    We took a critical look at the streamer and his community on MeinMMO in August:

    We have to be ashamed of parts of the German Destiny 2 community
