Ambassador wore Star of David to “shock”

Ambassador wore Star of David to shock
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full screen Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan wore a Star of David at a UN Security Council meeting in New York. Photo: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez

Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan recently wore the yellow Star of David at a meeting of the UN Security Council.

The choice of symbol attracted criticism.

Erdan now defends himself by saying that he wanted to shock a paralyzed security council.

The Jewish symbol was used by the Nazis to single out and persecute those with Jewish guilt during the Holocaust, both in Nazi Germany and in the countries occupied by the Nazis.

– I want to emphasize that my goal was first and foremost to shock the Security Council, Erdan said in an interview with the American media company CNN on Sunday about the decision to wear the star at a meeting on the crisis in the Middle East.

– I wanted to remind the member states of their silence. And I wanted to convey a message that – unlike before – we are not as weak as we were during the Holocaust.

Erdan’s choice to wear the Star of David has been criticized, among other things, by the Israeli agency Yad Washem, which is responsible for commemorating the Holocaust. Its president Dani Dayan writes on X: “The act dishonors the victims of the Holocaust, as well as the state of Israel.”

The UN Security Council is currently completely divided in the major conflicts going on; the council has not been able to agree on a single resolution on developments in the Middle East or on Hamas’s attack on Israel.
