can the anti-Semitic motive be accepted?

can the anti Semitic motive be accepted

A Jewish woman was stabbed at her home in Lyon this Saturday, November 4. Several elements pushed the Lyon prosecutor’s office to evoke a “possible anti-Semitic motive”.

An investigation into attempted murder with a possible anti-Semitic motive is underway in Lyon after the attack on a Jewish woman, stabbed in her home on Saturday afternoon. According to a police source cited by Le Figaro, confirming information from Le Progrès, the incident occurred in the Montluc district, located in the 3rd arrondissement.

The victim, in his thirties, was transported to hospital with two bleeding wounds in his abdomen, but, fortunately, his life is not in danger. Details of the attack, as reported by the victim herself, include a man dressed in black and masked who allegedly knocked at her home and attacked her with a knife before fleeing.

A swastika on the door of his home

The disturbing element, adding to the seriousness of the act, is the discovery of a swastika drawn on the door of the victim’s apartment. A mezuzah, an object of worship traditionally attached to a door frame in Jewish homes, hung at the entrance to his home.

The Lyon public prosecutor’s office opened an investigation citing a “possible anti-Semitic motive”. The judicial police, in collaboration with departmental security, were asked to carry out the investigations. This act arouses palpable concern within the Jewish community and raises the question of the rise in anti-Semitic acts in France, in a context of tensions in the Middle East. However, without direct testimony or confessions from the attacker, the anti-Semitic classification of the attack remains to be confirmed by the ongoing investigation.
