Now one of the greatest films of all time, which won 11 (!) Oscars and broke numerous records, is being released on Amazon in a new home cinema version

Now one of the greatest films of all time which

The restored version of Titanic aired this year in cinemas again on the occasion of the 25th anniversary. In ultra high definition including HDR and high frame rate, fans were able to relive the sinking of the luxury ship and the heartbreaking love story. For the For the German market, the soundtrack was chosen in Dolby Digital 7.1 Plus. The original in Dolby Atmos is also included in the English soundtrack on the disc.

Just in time for Christmas, the restored version of director James Cameron’s masterpiece will be released on 15th December and can already be pre-ordered now.

Pre-order Titanic on 4K + Blu-ray on Amazon


To the deal

In addition to the restored version in 4K *, Titanic is already available on Blu-ray *, DVD * and as a stream *. The However, extensive bonus material is only available in the new versionmore on that later.

Even after 25 years, Titanic still holds several records

In 1998, Titanic was the first film to feature one Worldwide box office revenue broke the billion mark (1.8 billion). Titanic held this record for twelve years until James Cameron surpassed himself with Avatar. At the time of publication Titanic was the most expensive film of all time at $200 million. It wasn’t until 2005 that Peter Jackson broke this record with King Kong and a budget of $205 million. There are now some films that are above this budget, but inflation also plays a role here.


The historical event is skillfully interwoven with a fictional love story.

Most of Titanic’s records have to do with the Oscars. Gloria Stuart was and still is the oldest person ever nominated for an Oscar. She plays the aged Rose and was 87 years old at the time. With 14 Oscar nominations, Titanic shares first place with All About Eve (1950) and La La Land (2016). In addition to Titanic, it won a total of 11 Oscars only Ben Hur (1959) and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) score.

Titanic was the first film to be nominated in all seven technical categories became. This was followed by Master and Commander, Hugo Cabret, Mad Max: Fury Road and The Revenant. But in contrast to those mentioned, Titanic was able to collect the gold statue in all seven categories.

Titanic: The question of all questions is clarified in the bonus material

The US version will be announced with a full 15 hours of bonus material. Most likely this will also be included in the German version. That means, among other things, sharing James Cameron, producer Jon Landau and Kate Winslet share their memories and favorite moments. In 25 Years Later with James Cameron explores the director the myths and mysteries of the shipwreck. And finally a question that has been bothering fans for 25 years has been clarified.

Towards the end of the film, Rose escapes to a floating wooden door. Jack only makes a half-hearted attempt, but then immediately decides to stay in the water, where he freezes to death a short time later. The fact that Jack gives up immediately leaves room for speculation and many fans are sure: it would have fit on the door. This question is now clarified once and for all in the bonus material. Several tests were carried out to find out whether Jack would have fit on the door and therefore survived.

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