Many hands make Celebration of Lights work, organizers say

Sarnia Lambton Celebration of Lights organizers need volunteers with trucks and trailers to help move displays from storage to Centennial Park Saturday morning.

Sarnia Lambton Celebration of Lights organizers need volunteers with trucks and trailers to help move displays from storage to Centennial Park Saturday morning.

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It’s the first of several traditional volunteer days ahead of the annual holiday lights display in the St. Clair River waterfront park.

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‘We start at 9 am at Sandrin Services on Exmouth Street,’ said the Celebration’s Dean Holtz.

Pieces of the ldisplays will be taken out of storage containers, hauled to the nearby park and set in place for assembly later this month.

“We need trucks and trailers,” Holtz said. Trailers should be at least five meters long to accommodate long display sections, he said.

“If we could have seven or eight trucks and trailers, and about 20 people, that would be plenty to get it done in a good amount of time,” Holtz said.

The annual, volunteer-run Celebration of Lights began nearly 40 years ago and relies on donations and community support.

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“Things are coming together well,” Holtz said.

Organizers expect to have 45 to 50 displays, including three new and two restored examples, in the park this year, he said.

“Things are on track nicely for the opening ceremonies,” Holtz said.

The free event will be held Nov. 25 starting at 5 pm with a Christmas music concert on the Agora Stage. There will also be hot drinks, horse and wagon rides, photos with Santa, fireworks and the official lighting.

That’s also when registration opens for the annual residential lighting competition.

“We do still need a few more sponsors,” Holtz said. “There are a couple of displays needing a sponsor, and then some general sponsorship for the opening ceremonies. We’re doing pretty good, but we do need a little more.”

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Organizers can be reached via the Sarnia Lambton Celebration of Lights Facebook page.

Last year’s opening ceremonies crowd was the biggest yet, Holtz said. “We estimate there was at least 4,000 people there” for the large opening event’s return after pandemic restrictions lifted.

“The thing that people love. . . is that people of all ages can enjoy it,” Holtz said of the annual lights display. Seeing it is a long-standing tradition for many families.

“Light seems to be a representation of hope,” Holtz said.

There are a few more days coming when community members can help prepare the event.

Nov. 14 is “crane day,” when about 10 volunteers will be needed at 9 am, to help guide some large displays into place.

Nov. 18 is the main community setup day, starting at 9 am

“That day we need at least 100 people,” Holtz said. “That’s where we set up the displays.”

It’s a chance for high schoolers to complete some volunteer hours, but organizers ask they be accompanied by an adult.

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